The word concerning “your seed” in v. 12 and “My son” in v. 14 implies that the seed of David would become the Son of God, i.e., that a human seed would become a divine Son. This word corresponds with Paul’s word in Rom. 1:3-4 concerning Christ as the seed of David being designated the Son of God in His humanity in resurrection (see note Rom. 1:41). It also relates to the Lord’s question in Matt. 22:41-45 concerning how the Christ could be both the son of David and the Son of God as David’s Lord — a wonderful person, a God-man with two natures, divinity and humanity. These verses clearly unveil that a seed of man, i.e., a son of man, can become the Son of God. God Himself, the divine One, became a human seed, the seed of a man, David. This seed was Jesus, the God-man, Jehovah the Savior (Matt. 1:18-21; 2 Tim. 2:8), who was the Son of God by virtue of His divinity alone (Luke 1:35). Through His resurrection He as the human seed became the Son of God in His humanity as well. Thus, in Christ God was constituted into man, man was constituted into God, and God and man were mingled together to be one entity, the God-man. This implies that God’s intention in His economy is to make Himself man in order to make man God in life and in nature.
In and through resurrection Christ, the firstborn Son of God, became the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45). As such a Spirit He enters into God’s chosen people to dispense, to build, Himself as life into their being to be their inner constitution. In this way He makes them God-men, the many sons of God (Heb. 2:10), the mass reproduction of Himself as the firstborn Son of God (Rom. 8:29; 1 John 3:2). Thus, they, the human seeds, become the sons of God with divinity through the metabolic process of transformation (see note Rom. 12:23c and note Rom. 12:24d). This metabolic process is the building up of the church as the Body of Christ and the house of God (Eph. 1:22-23; 2:20-22) by the building of God into man and man into God, i.e., by the constituting of the divine element into the human element and the human element into the divine element. This building will consummate in the New Jerusalem as a great, corporate God-man, the aggregate, the totality, of all the sons of God (Rev. 21:7).