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Book chapters «The Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians»
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My readings
Verse: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
C. The producing and building of the church 2:1-22
1. The producing of the church vv. 1-10
Eph. 2 :1 2:1 1And you, though 2adead in your 3offenses and sins,
Eph. 2 :2 2:2 In which you once awalked according to the 1bage of this world, according to the 2cruler of the authority of the air, of the 3spirit which is now operating in the 4dsons of disobedience;
Eph. 2 :3 2:3 Among 1whom 2we also all conducted ourselves once in the 3alusts of our flesh, doing the desires of the flesh and of the thoughts, and were by nature 4children of bwrath, even as the rest;
Eph. 2 :4 2:4 1But God, being arich in 2mercy, because of His 3great blove with which He loved us,
Eph. 2 :5 2:5 Even when we were adead in offenses, made us 1balive 2together with 3Christ (by 4cgrace you have been 5saved)
Eph. 2 :6 2:6 And 1araised us up 2together with Him and 3bseated us together with Him in the 4cheavenlies 5in Christ Jesus,
Eph. 2 :7 2:7 That He might 1display in the 2ages to come the surpassing 3ariches of His grace in 4bkindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
Eph. 2 :8 2:8 1For by 2agrace you have been saved through 3bfaith, and 4this not of yourselves; it is the cgift of God;
Eph. 2 :9 2:9 Not of aworks that no one should bboast.
Eph. 2 :10 2:10 For we are His 1masterpiece, 2acreated in Christ Jesus for bgood works, which God prepared 3beforehand in order that we would cwalk in them.
2. The building of the church vv. 11-22
Eph. 2 :11 2:11 Therefore remember that once you, the aGentiles in the flesh, those who are called 1buncircumcision by that which is called ccircumcision in the flesh made by hands,
Eph. 2 :12 2:12 That you were at that time 1apart from Christ, aalienated from the 2commonwealth of bIsrael, and strangers to the 3ccovenants of the promise, having 4dno hope and 5without God in the 6world.
Eph. 2 :13 2:13 1But now in Christ Jesus you who were once 2afar off have become 3near in the 4bblood of Christ.
Eph. 2 :14 2:14 For He Himself is 1our 2apeace, He who has made 3both bone and has broken down the middle 4wall of partition, the 5enmity,
Eph. 2 :15 2:15 1aAbolishing in His 2flesh the 3law of the commandments in 4ordinances, that He might 5create the two 6in Himself 7into 8one bnew man, so 9cmaking peace,
Eph. 2 :16 2:16 And might areconcile 1both in 2bone Body to 3God through the 4cross, having 5slain the enmity 6by it.
Eph. 2 :17 2:17 And 1coming, He aannounced peace as the bgospel to you who were 2cfar off, and peace to those who were 3dnear,
Eph. 2 :18 2:18 For 1through Him we both have 2aaccess 3in bone Spirit unto the 4cFather.
Eph. 2 :19 2:19 So then 1you are no longer 2astrangers and sojourners, but you are 3bfellow citizens with the saints and 4members of the chousehold of God,
Eph. 2 :20 2:20 Being 1abuilt upon the 2bfoundation of the capostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the 3dcornerstone;
Eph. 2 :21 2:21 In 1whom 2all the building, being 3afitted together, is 4bgrowing into a holy 5ctemple 6in the Lord;
Eph. 2 :22 2:22 In whom 1you 2also are being built together into a 3adwelling place of God bin 4spirit.
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