n vv. 6-11 the lover of Christ becomes a new creation by her complete union with Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). Here the lover of Christ, as an overcoming representative of God’s elect, comes from Egypt, the world (wilderness), like persons in the unshakable power of the Spirit (pillars of smoke — Exo. 14:19; Rev. 3:12), perfumed with the sweet death and fragrant resurrection of Christ (myrrh and frankincense) and with all the fragrant riches of Christ as a merchant.
At this point, after a long period of remaining in Christ’s death (S.S. 2:14), the seeker of Christ has experienced the breaking of her self, her natural man, and has entered into resurrection, in which she has been transformed to be a spiritual person, one who lives in the spirit, not in the physical realm (1 Cor. 2:15; 3:1; 2 Cor. 4:16-18; Col. 3:1-3). She is like smoke, but she is a pillar that can stand on the earth and touch the heavens. In experience she has become the same as God, who is Spirit (symbolized by a cloud of smoke — Exo. 14:19; John 4:24), and the same as Christ, who is a ladder (related to the pillar — Gen. 28:12; John 1:51) standing on the earth, bringing heaven to earth and joining earth to heaven. As such a person, she is worthy of God’s economy and is qualified to move with God, in union with Christ for the accomplishing of His economy (cf. 2 Cor. 2:14).