The prophets preached the New Testament gospel in the New Testament economy, but no one believed their report. Their report was based on God’s revelation of Christ as the arm of Jehovah, the dynamic Redeemer (see note Isa. 51:91b). Both the report and the revelation concern Christ as the Servant of Jehovah (v. 11b).
This chapter speaks clearly concerning Christ in four stages:
1) the stage of Christ’s incarnation (vv. 1-3),
2) the stage of Christ’s crucifixion (vv. 4-10, 12b),
3) the stage of Christ’s resurrection (vv. 10-11),
4) the stage of Christ’s ascension (v. 12a).
The entire chapter is a confession that will be made by the household of Israel who will be saved at Christ’s second coming (Zech. 12:10; Rom. 11:26-27). At that time they will confess the contents of Isa. 53, and this chapter will be full of taste to them.