Israel’s evil and wickedness prepared the way for Christ to come in to be their righteousness. Although Israel forsook God for idols (Jer. 2:13) and became incurably evil (Jer. 13:23; 17:9), because of His compassions, lovingkindness, faithfulness, and eternal love (Jer. 31:3; Lam. 3:22-23), God would never give up His elect yet distracted people. While He was condemning, punishing, and chastising Israel, He intended to be incarnated as a Shoot unto David so that He could be His people’s righteousness. Based on Christ’s coming as Jehovah to be their righteousness, the evil race of Israel can be restored. Eventually, Israel will manifest Christ, who is their righteousness, as their centrality (their being) and their universality (their expression). This manifestation will consummate in the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:12).