In the restoration the coming Christ will be a sprout that comes forth from the stump of Jesse and a branch from his roots. Israel, especially the house of David, was like a tall tree. However, because of Israel’s degradation, that tree was cut down, leaving only a stump with its roots. Both Mary and Joseph were descendants of David, part of the royal family (see note Matt. 1:162a), but they had become poor and were people of a low class, living in Nazareth, a despised city, in Galilee, a despised region (Luke 1:26-27). Christ as a sprout came forth from the stump of Jesse, above the earth, signifying that restoration is by life and of life. Furthermore, Christ as a branch came forth from Jesse’s roots, underneath the earth, signifying the depths of the restoring life, to branch out God and bear much fruit. Christ as a sprout and a branch is full of restoring power, deepening power, growing power, and fruit-bearing power. Because of His branching out, the whole world is filled with His fruit. See note Matt. 1:54d and note Matt. 2:233.