Referring to the day of judgment.
Referring to the day of judgment.
Referring to their wealth.
Because Israel had become corrupt, God used Assyria as a rod and a staff to judge Israel (2 Kings 18:9-12). But Assyria, overstretching the limitation set by God, did not think of the matter in this way, nor did their heart conceive it in this way (v. 7). Thus, Assyria acted excessively, and the king of Assyria became haughty (vv. 12-15). Jehovah, therefore, judged the king of Assyria (vv. 16-19). See note Isa. 26:131.
After the judgment on Israel and the judgment on Assyria, there would be the return and release of a remnant of Israel (vv. 20-27).
See note Gen. 22:171b.
Referring to the Assyrian.
Or, house of Zion.