Some MSS add, apostles.
Some MSS add, apostles.
See note Mark 1:271c and note Matt. 10:12.
See note Luke 4:432. So throughout the chapter.
See note Matt. 10:91.
Acts 13:51; cf. Neh. 5:13; Acts 18:6
See note Mark 6:271b.
For vv. 12-17, see notes in Matt. 14:15-21.
Or, farms.
In the same way that people gather for a meal in a home, sitting in groups, table by table.
See note Mark 6:431.
For vv. 18-27, see notes in Matt. 16:13-28.
The Greek word means to be rejected on trial, implying deliberate rejection.
Or, destroy... destroys.
A word used by merchants.
Rom. 1:16; 2 Tim. 1:8, 12, 16
Lit., occurred.
Some MSS read, Beloved.
This was God's word of revelation. It interrupted Peter's nonsensical word in v. 33.
cf. Neh. 8:15
cf. Dan. 8:18; Matt. 26:43
cf. 2 Pet. 1:15
Lit., flashing like lightning.
For vv. 28-36, see notes in Matt. 17:1-9.
James and John were called "sons of thunder," indicating their impetuosity (Mark 3:17 and note 1). Their impetuous word here was against the virtue and morality of the Savior whom they accompanied (see note Mark 9:381).
cf. 2 Kings 1:9-14
Some MSS add, as also Elijah did.
Most ancient MSS omit, and are.
This word, "You do not know of what kind of spirit you are," which shows the high morality of the Man-Savior, is found only in Luke.
Most ancient MSS omit, The them.
Lit., souls.
He was one of the scribes (Matt. 8:19), who usually lived comfortably. He saw crowds being attracted to the Savior (Matt. 8:18) and wanted to follow Him out of curiosity, without counting the cost (see note 191 in Matt. 8). Hence, the Savior cautioned him by pointing out that although crowds were attracted to Him, He had nowhere to rest, indicating to the scribe that to follow Him would cost him considerable suffering.
This one was called by the Savior to follow Him. But he considered his duty to his dead father and would not follow Him immediately. Hence, the Savior encouraged him to pay the price (see note Matt. 8:211) that he might become a follower in His great commission to announce the kingdom of God.
To announce the kingdom of God is a living deed, a deed that makes the dead alive so that they can enter into the kingdom of God.
This third one volunteered to follow the Savior, but would not do so before bidding farewell to his family. Hence, the Savior warned him not to let anything hold him back from the kingdom of God.
cf. 1 Kings 19:20
Lit., upon, or, on; i.e., based on, according to.
See note Mark 9:381.
See note Mark 9:391.
See note Mark 9:401.
See note Mark 10:11.
cf. Ezek. 6:2
To plow, one must concentrate all his attention on the line being plowed. Being distracted just a little, to say nothing of looking back, may lead the plower off the straight line. To follow the Savior, we must forget everything else and press straight ahead for the kingdom of God.