See note Mark 12:411b.
See note Mark 12:411b.
Things offered to God (so in v. 4).
A stronger word than poor, indicating a penniless condition.
cf. Luke 12:59
For vv. 5-19, see notes in Matt. 24:1-13 and Mark 13:1-13.
The things for God that have a beautiful appearance but no reality will be rejected by God.
Or, votive gifts.
cf. Acts 1:6-7
cf. Luke 11:16
For vv. 29-33, see notes in Matt. 24:32-35.
Referring to the earth at the time of the great tribulation, which will come in the last three and a half years of this age (Matt. 24:21; Rev. 3:10).
Lit., stopping breathing.
cf. Rom. 11:25
Or, nations.
Or, nations.
Or, necessity.
cf. Luke 23:29
For vv. 20-28, see notes in Matt. 24:15-31.
Or, acquire, keep intact.
Matt. 10:30; cf. 1 Sam. 14:45
Or, betrayed. So throughout the book.
Indicating a drunken hangover.
Or, unexpectedly.
Lit., sitting.
Have strength and ability. The strength and ability to escape the great tribulation come from watchfulness and beseeching.
To be taken, raptured, before the great tribulation (Matt. 24:21; Luke 17:34-36 and note Luke 17:342b) which will be a severe trial upon the whole inhabited earth (Rev. 3:10). To be thus raptured is to be kept "out of the hour of trial, which is about to come on the whole inhabited earth, to try them who dwell on the earth" (Rev. 3:10).
All the things of the great tribulation.
Corresponding with standing in Rev. 14:1, indicating that the raptured overcomers will stand before the Savior on Mount Zion in the heavens before the great tribulation (cf. Rev. 12:5-6, 14).