Luke presents a Man-Savior. After the narration of the conception of the Man-Savior, Luke gives us in this chapter an excellent record of:
1) His genuine human birth, which was according to the law of God's creation of man, that He might be a Man-Savior for the salvation of man;
2) His physical circumcision, carried out according to the law of God's ordination (vv. 21-24), that He might be the legal seed of Abraham (Gen. 17:9-14), the One in whom God's promise to Abraham — "In thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed" (Gen. 12:3) — as the gospel announced to him (Gal. 3:8), could be fulfilled for all the Gentiles (Gal. 3:14);
3) His physical growth, which was according to the law of human life (v. 40), that He might be a perfect man to express God for the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan;
4) His proper boyhood, during which He grew in His interest concerning the things of God, which interest was related to His deity as the Son of God the Father (vv. 40-52), that He might have the full measure of wisdom, stature, and favor with God and men.
The record here concerning the Savior's birth and youth is very different from that in Matt. 2. What Matthew recorded of events that occurred at the Savior's birth and during His youth constitutes striking evidence of Christ's legitimate kingship. Luke also recorded the Savior's birth and youth, but what he recorded were events of a different category, events that offer strong proof of Jesus' genuine humanity. The two records cover only two of the different aspects of the Savior's wonderful status. See note Matt. 2:21a.