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  • In this book Boaz typifies Christ in two aspects:
    1) As a man, rich in wealth and generous in giving (Ruth 2:1, 14-16; 3:15), Boaz typifies Christ, whose divine riches are unsearchable and who takes care of God’s needy people with His bountiful supply (Eph. 3:8; Luke 10:33-35; Phil. 1:19b).
    2) As the kinsman (v. 3; 3:9, 12) who redeemed the lost right to Mahlon’s property and took Mahlon’s widow as his wife for the producing of the needed heirs (Ruth 4:9-10, 13), Boaz typifies Christ, who redeemed the church and made the church His counterpart for His increase (Eph. 5:23-32; John 3:29-30).
    See note Ruth 3:121a.

  • The field of the God-promised good land (vv. 2-3) typifies the all-inclusive Christ, who is the source of all the spiritual and divine products as the life supply to God’s elect (Phil. 1:19b; see note Deut. 8:71).

  • God’s ordinance concerning the reaping of the harvest was that Jehovah would bless the children of Israel if they left the corners of their fields and the gleanings for the poor, the sojourners, the orphans, and the widows (Lev. 19:9-10; 23:22; Deut. 24:19). This not only shows the lovingkindness of God and how great, fine, and detailed He is, but also shows the rich produce of the good land.

    In the ordinance of the law given by God through Moses regarding reaping, the size of the corners of the field was not specified. The size depended on the landlord’s faith in Jehovah. The larger one’s faith in Jehovah was, the larger the corners of the field would be (cf. 2 Cor. 9:6-10). Boaz obeyed this ordinance, thereby testifying to his great faith in Jehovah. Under God’s sovereignty this ordinance seems to have been written for one person — Ruth.

  • Ruth, as one who had returned to God from her heathen background, exercised her right to partake of the rich produce of the inheritance of God’s elect. According to her threefold status as a sojourner, a poor one, and a widow, Ruth exercised her right to glean the harvest. Her gleaning was not her begging but her right. Ruth, a Moabitess, a heathen sinner alienated from God’s promises (Deut. 23:3; cf. Eph. 2:12), being given the right to partake of the gleaning of the harvest of God’s elect typifies the Gentile “dogs” who are privileged to partake of the crumbs under the table of the portion of God’s elect children (Matt. 15:21-28 and note Matt. 15:271). Just as Ruth had the right to enjoy the produce of the good land after coming into the land, so we have the right to enjoy Christ as our good land after believing in Him. Ruth’s exercising of her right to gain and possess the produce of the good land signifies that, after believing into Christ and being organically joined to Him, we must begin to pursue Christ in order to gain, possess, experience, and enjoy Him (Phil. 3:7-16).

    This book portrays the way, the position, the qualification, and the right of sinners to participate in Christ and to enjoy Christ. According to God’s ordination we who have believed into Christ have been qualified and positioned to claim our right to enjoy Christ (Col. 1:12). This means that we do not need to beg God to save us; rather, we can go to God to claim His salvation for ourselves. We have the position, the qualification, and the right to claim salvation from God. This is the highest standard of receiving the gospel.

  • Lit., Have you not heard, my daughter?

  • Lit., Have I not charged…?

  • Lit., She.

  • The word here could also be translated redeemers. So throughout the book.

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