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Book chapters «The Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians»
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My readings
Verse: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
2 Thes. 3 :1 3:1 Finally, brothers, apray concerning us, that the word of the Lord may brun and be 1glorified, even as it is also 2with you;
2 Thes. 3 :2 3:2 And that we may be adelivered from unreasonable and evil men, for the bfaith does not belong to all.
2 Thes. 3 :3 3:3 But the Lord is afaithful, who will 1bestablish you and 2guard you from the cevil one.
2 Thes. 3 :4 3:4 And we have aconfidence in the Lord concerning you that what we 1bcharge, you both are doing and will do.
2 Thes. 3 :5 3:5 And the Lord 1adirect your bhearts 2into the 3clove of God and 4into the 5endurance of Christ.
D. Correction concerning those walking disorderly 3:6-15
2 Thes. 3 :6 3:6 Now we charge you, brothers, in the aname of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you bkeep away from every brother 1walking cdisorderly and not according to the 2dthings which were handed down to you and which you received from us.
2 Thes. 3 :7 3:7 For you yourselves know how you ought to aimitate us, because we were 1not disorderly among you;
2 Thes. 3 :8 3:8 Nor did we eat bread as a gift from anyone, but in alabor and hardship we bworked night and day so that we would not be cburdensome to any of you;
2 Thes. 3 :9 3:9 Not because we do not have the aright, but in order that we might give ourselves to you as a bpattern that you might cimitate us.
2 Thes. 3 :10 3:10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this acharge, that if anyone does not want to work, neither should he beat.
2 Thes. 3 :11 3:11 For we hear of some walking among you adisorderly, doing no work at all, but being 1bbusybodies.
2 Thes. 3 :12 3:12 Now such ones we acharge and bexhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to cwork with dquietness and eeat their own bread.
2 Thes. 3 :13 3:13 But you, brothers, do not alose heart in doing good.
2 Thes. 3 :14 3:14 And if anyone does anot obey our word through this letter, mark this one so as 1bnot to mingle with him, in order that he may be ashamed.
2 Thes. 3 :15 3:15 Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but aadmonish him as a brother.
III. Conclusion 3:16-18
2 Thes. 3 :16 3:16 Now the Lord of apeace Himself give you 1bpeace continually in every way. The Lord be cwith you all.
2 Thes. 3 :17 3:17 The greeting in amy own hand — Paul — which is the mark in every letter; so I write.
2 Thes. 3 :18 3:18 The 1agrace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
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