In Matt. 4:4 everything is replaced by every word, referring to the law, the commandments, the statutes, and the ordinances as the words that proceed out of the mouth of God. All the words in this book are God’s breathing (2 Tim. 3:16), and all refer to Christ, who is the totality of God’s word (John 1:1; Rev. 19:13) to be the life and life supply of God’s people. Therefore, to live by every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God is to live by Christ, the embodiment of the divine breath (John 6:57, 63). God was leading His people into the good land, a type of Christ, by Christ, and He was sustaining them on their way to the good land also by Christ, who is everything that proceeds out through the mouth of God. See note Deut. 6:11 and note Deut. 30:121a.
God wants us to fulfill His righteous requirements for the accomplishing of His divine economy; however, He does not want us to do this in ourselves. Rather, He wants us to live, work, and have our being in Christ, by Christ, with Christ, through Christ, and in oneness with Christ (Gal. 2:20). God’s desire is that we put ourselves aside, forget ourselves, and fulfill His economy by the Spirit, i.e., by the realization of the Son, who is the embodiment of the Father (10, John 14:17-18). The Scriptures as the breathing, the exhaling, of God are the embodiment of Christ as the life-giving Spirit (John 6:63; Eph. 6:17). By inhaling the word of the Scriptures, we receive the Spirit (Eph. 6:17-18a; Gal. 3:5) and enjoy the riches of Christ and thus are enabled to fulfill God’s requirements.