Make him common, unclean (Acts 11:8). So in the succeeding verses.
Make him common, unclean (Acts 11:8). So in the succeeding verses.
Some MSS omit this verse.
Or, guile.
Lit., a wicked eye. A Semitic expression referring to the eye that intends to do evil and, by extension, to hostility, jealousy, or envy.
For vv. 24-30, see notes in Matt. 15:21-28.
For the Hebrew word qorban, meaning an offering. Signifying anything offered to God.
Lit., let him decease by death. See note Matt. 15:43.
The result of the keeping of tradition is the setting aside of the commandment of God. Furthermore, tradition causes people to set aside the commandment of God "nicely"!
Some MSS add, the dipping of pitchers and cups and many other such similar things you do.
Col. 2:22; cf. Titus 1:14
Revere. The feeling of awe or devotion is stressed.
cf. Ezek. 33:31
See note Matt. 6:22b.
See note Mark 2:61.
Some MSS add, and couches.
Lit., baptize. Some MSS have, sprinkle.
I.e., ancients, people of the previous generations.
Lit., with the fist.
Some MSS read, seeing...unwashed, they found fault.
For vv. 1-23, see notes in Matt. 15:1-20.
Some MSS omit, and Sidon.
The Lord never wanted publicity for Himself.
Syrian by tongue, Phoenician by race (cf. Acts 21:2-3). Since the Phoenicians were descendants of the Canaanites, she was a Canaanite woman (Matt. 15:22). What made her a Greek — religion, marriage, or some other factor — is difficult to determine.
cf. Exo. 4:22; Deut. 32:6; 1 Chron. 29:10; Isa. 63:16; 64:8
Pet dogs, house dogs.
See note Mark 1:231.
See note Matt. 15:291.
A district of ten cities.
Signifying one who is spiritually deaf and dumb, unable to hear the voice of God and to praise Him (Isa. 35:6) and speak for Him (Isa. 56:10). The dumbness of such a person is due to his deafness. The Slave-Savior's healing salvation is well able to heal the deafness and dumbness of such a one, first by dealing with his ears and then by touching his tongue.
See note Mark 1:441.
cf.Matt. 9:32; Luke 11:14
Or, thrust. The Slave-Savior's thrusting of His fingers into the deaf one's ears signifies His dealing with his hearing organ (cf. Isa. 50:4-5; Job 33:14-16), and His touching of his tongue with His spittle signifies His anointing of the dumb one's speaking organ with the word that proceeds out of His mouth. This was a healing (see note Mark 1:311).