Christ’s lover wants to carry out with her Beloved the work that is for the entire world (fields) by sojourning from one place to another (lodging in the villages). This indicates that she is not sectarian in carrying out the Lord’s work. She keeps the work open, so that others can come to sojourn there and she can go to sojourn elsewhere. This is to keep one work in one Body.
To share in the work of the Lord is not to work for the Lord but to work together with the Lord (1 Cor. 3:9a; 2 Cor. 6:1a). To work with the Lord, we need the maturity in life, we need to be one with the Lord, and our work must be for His Body. The Shulammite works as Solomon’s counterpart, taking care of all the vineyards (8:11), the churches and the believers on the whole earth. This indicates that our work should be for the Body, not just one city. We must have a work that is for the entire world. This is what Paul did by establishing local churches and then working to bring them into the full realization of the Body of Christ.