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  • Lit., shall I not seek…? Naomi realized that the proper person to be Ruth’s husband was Boaz. Hence, Naomi acted as a “middleman” in order to prod Ruth to get married. The genuine ministers of the New Testament are like Naomi in that they stir up the believers in Christ to love Him as their Bridegroom that they may take Him as their Husband (2 Cor. 11:2; Rev. 19:7; 21:9-10).

  • cf. Ruth 1:9

    Or, security. After coming to the good land and exercising her right to enjoy its rich produce, Ruth still needed a home so that she could have rest. This kind of rest could come only through marriage. Although we may be saved and love the Lord, in order to have a home for our rest we must marry the Lord Jesus, taking Him as our Husband, and live together with Him in the church as our home (Rom. 7:4; 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:23-32). Christ as our Husband and the church as our home are a complete unit for us to have a proper and adequate rest.

    Considered in the light of Matt. 1:5-6, 16, Ruth’s seeking for her rest was actually for the continuation of the genealogy to bring in Christ.

  • Some MSS read, say to me.

  • Ruth’s approaching Boaz in vv. 7-9 was based on God’s ordination (Ruth 4:5; Lev. 25:25; Deut. 25:5-10). Boaz’s response to Ruth indicates that he was high in morality (vv. 8-11), that he was pure in conduct (v. 14), that he was wise in decision (vv. 12-13), and that he was faithful in keeping God’s ordination (v. 13; 4:9-10).

  • Lit., gate.

  • In this verse the first kinsman of Ruth’s husband, Ruth’s closest kinsman, typifies our natural man, who cannot and will not redeem us from the indebtedness (sin) of our old man (Ruth 4:1-6). Boaz, the second kinsman of Ruth’s husband, typifies Christ, who partook of blood and flesh (Heb. 2:14) to be our Kinsman and who can redeem us from our sin, recover the lost right of our natural man in God’s creation, be our new Husband in His divine organic union with us, and take us as His counterpart for His increase (Ruth 4:7-13). Cf. note Ruth 1:42a.

  • Some MSS read, said to me.

  • Some MSS and ancient versions read, she.

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