The first four seals consist of four horses with their riders, as in a four-horse race. The four riders are not persons but personified things. It is evident that the rider of the second horse, the red horse, is war (v. 4), that the rider of the third horse, the black horse, is famine (v. 5), and that the rider of the fourth horse, the pale horse, is death (v. 8). According to historical facts, the rider of the first horse, the white horse, must be the gospel, not Christ or Antichrist as some interpret. Immediately after Christ's ascension, these four things — the gospel, war, famine, and death — began to run like riders on four horses, and they will continue until Christ comes back. Beginning from the first century the gospel has been spreading throughout all these twenty centuries. Simultaneously, war among the human race has been proceeding. War has always caused famine, and famine issues in death. All these will continue until the end of this age.