Indicating that the land of Judah, the Holy Land, is the territory of Christ, who is Immanuel, God with us. This land, which was invaded by the army of Assyria, is the land that Christ will inherit to build up His millennial kingdom with His two elect peoples, the chosen Jews as His earthly people and the chosen believers as His heavenly people. God’s eternal economy is to gain for Himself these two peoples as a treasure.
Satan, God’s enemy, uses the nations to frustrate the accomplishing of God’s economy. The invaders and occupiers of the Holy Land, the land of Immanuel, are signified by the human image in Dan. 2, the head of which is Babylon. The enemies of God’s people in the Old Testament began from Babylon (2 Kings 24, 2 Kings 25), which issued from Babel (Gen. 11:1-9). In the New Testament the enemy of God’s chosen people, the church, still is called Babylon — Babylon the Great (Rev. 17, Rev. 18). Eventually, both the religious Babylon (the apostate Roman Church) and the material Babylon (the city of Rome) will be destroyed, after which the kingdom will come. Even the termination of Babylon is included in the sign of a virgin bearing a son called Immanuel. The sign of Immanuel is still being fulfilled today. It is an all-inclusive sign that covers the Bible from Gen. 11 through Rev. 22. See note Isa. 7:141d.