Sarah and Hagar are an allegory symbolizing two covenants (Gal. 4:22-28 and note Gal. 4:242 and note Gal. 4:245d).

Sarah and Hagar are an allegory symbolizing two covenants (Gal. 4:22-28 and note Gal. 4:242 and note Gal. 4:245d).
cf. Gen. 15:2-3
See note Gen. 16:11.
Gen. 20:18; 30:2-3; cf. Gen. 17:16; 18:10; 25:21; 30:22; Psa. 127:3
Lit., be built up.
The Angel of Jehovah is Jehovah Himself (v. 13; 22:11-12, 15-16; 31:11, 13). See note Exo. 3:21b, note Exo. 23:212 and note Exo. 23:221, and note Zech. 2:82.
Gen. 17:20; 21:13 cf. Gen. 25:12-18
Meaning God hears.
Or, You are El-roi.
Lit., God of seeing.
The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain.
Meaning well of the living One who sees me, or well of the One who reveals Himself.
Abraham’s producing of Ishmael through Hagar symbolizes man’s attempt to fulfill God’s purpose by the effort of the flesh in coordination with the law (see note Gal. 2:162 in and note Gal. 4:231).