See note Exo. 5:21.
See note Exo. 5:21.
cf. Exo. 10:24
See note Exo. 5:21.
In the ninth plague God changed the function of the sun by bringing a thick darkness over the land of Egypt for three days (v. 22). The plagues of the hail (Exo. 9:13-35), the locusts (Exo. 10:1-20), and the thick darkness indicate that the very atmosphere over Egypt was no longer suitable for human life.
Both the blood of the first plague (Exo. 7:15-25) and the darkness of the ninth plague signify death. Hence, the first nine plagues went on from death to death, showing that the life of the world is altogether a matter of death (cf. Eph. 2:1-3).
cf. Exo. 7:19
Lit., for evil is before your face.