For vv. 1-5, see notes in Matt. 12:1-8 and Mark 2:23-28.

For vv. 1-5, see notes in Matt. 12:1-8 and Mark 2:23-28.
Many MSS read, the second first Sabbath; i.e., the second Sabbath after the first.
For vv. 6-11, see notes in Matt. 12:9-14 and Mark 3:1-6.
See note Mark 1:211d.
Luke 14:3; cf. Luke 13:14
Lit., soul; referring to the soul-life.
Or, folly; implying senseless rage. As a sign that tests people, the Man-Savior caused people to be exposed (Luke 2:34-35); some were humble and received grace, and others were haughty and became enraged.
See note Mark 1:351b.
Lit., the prayer of God.
For vv. 13-16, see notes in Matt. 10:1-4.
Or, son.
Whatever was decreed in Matthew 5—7, as the constitution of the kingdom of the heavens, constitutes the reality of the kingdom of the heavens. Whatever is cited here in vv. 20-49, as principles of the character of God's children, governs and measures the behavior of the believers, who have been born of God and possess His life and nature. At the time it was spoken, this entire portion (except vv. 24-26, 39) applied to the believing remnant of the Jews. In terms of the standard of character, the principles contained in this portion far surpassed the law that the Jews received from Moses.
For vv. 20-23, see notes in Matt. 5:3-12.
See note Luke 4:432.
At the time they were spoken, vv. 24-26 could have applied to the unbelieving Jews, who hardened their hearts and rejected the Savior.
In Greek this word was used in a commercial sense to acknowledge receipt of full payment.
For vv. 27-36, see notes in Matt. 5:38-48.
cf. Luke 23:34; Acts 7:60
Lit., favor. So in the succeeding verses. Thanks corresponds with a reward, and what refers to the quality of the reward; hence, what thanks means what kind of reward.
cf. Matt. 5:42
Or, considering nothing as loss.
For vv. 37-38, see notes in Matt. 7:1-2.
"The gathered fold of the wide upper garment, bound together with the girdle, and thus forming a pouch" (Vincent).
At the time it was spoken, this word could have applied to the leaders among the Jews.
See note Matt. 15:141a.
For vv. 41-42, see notes in Matt. 7:3-5.
cf. John 8:7-9
See note Matt. 6:22b.
For vv. 47-49, see notes in Matt. 7:24-27.