A common name for the Sea of Galilee (Matt. 4:18; Mark 1:16).

A common name for the Sea of Galilee (Matt. 4:18; Mark 1:16).
The events in vv. 2-10 are not in the record in Matt. 4:18-22 or Mark 1:16-20.
Previously, Simon had been brought to the Lord by his brother Andrew (John 1:40-42).
One who exercises any kind of oversight.
The word here denotes a close association, a common interest.
This was the Lord's calling of Peter by means of a miracle in fishing. (See note John 21:61, par. 2.) The Greek word for catch alive is a compound of living and to catch; hence, to catch alive, to take captive alive (in war), instead of killing. The common fishers catch fish unto death. But Peter was called by the Lord to be a fisher of men (Matt. 4:19) that he might catch men unto life (Acts 2:38; 11:18).
For vv. 12-15, see notes in Matt. 8:2-4 and Mark 1:40-45.
See note Mark 1:351b.
Other MSS read, was there to heal them.
For vv. 18-26, see notes in Matt. 9:2-8 and Mark 2:3-12.
For vv. 27-32, see notes in Matt. 9:9-13 and Mark 2:13-17.
A saved one should open his house for the Lord's enjoyment.
For vv. 33-39, see notes in Matt. 9:14-17.
Or, the new will tear, and the patch from the new...