This parable indicates that God as the owner came in the Son to seek fruit from the Jewish people, who were likened to a fig tree (see note Matt. 21:191a) planted in God's promised land, the vineyard (cf. Matt. 21:33 and note 1). He had been seeking fruit for three years (v. 7) but had not found any. He wanted to cut the Jews down, but God the Son as the vinedresser prayed for them, asking God the Father to tolerate them until the Son died for them (dug the ground around the fig tree) and gave them fertilizer (threw on manure), at which point, He hoped, they would repent and produce fruit. Otherwise, they would be cut down. Verses Luke 11:29-32 and Luke 11:42-52, two sections that unveil the Jewish people as an evil generation, confirm this interpretation.