Lit., the bridle of the mother (city). The meaning of the phrase is disputed. 1 Chron. 18:1 reads, Gath and her villages.

Lit., the bridle of the mother (city). The meaning of the phrase is disputed. 1 Chron. 18:1 reads, Gath and her villages.
cf. Num. 24:17
I.e., the Euphrates; many MSS insert, Euphrates.
Heb. Aram; i.e., the Arameans. So throughout the book.
Lit., his.
Several MSS and some versions read, Edom. So also in the next verse.
Following some ancient versions and 2 Sam. 20:23 and 1 Chron. 18:17 the Hebrew text reads, and.
I.e., the bodyguard and the runners.
Lit., priests; but not used in the technical sense of the word. So also in 2 Sam. 20:26.