By telling Gideon that he had too many people, God was indicating that He would fight for Israel.

By telling Gideon that he had too many people, God was indicating that He would fight for Israel.
cf. Deut. 8:17; Isa. 10:12-13
Lit., Mount Gilead; the Hebrew text is obscure here.
cf. 1 Sam. 14:6
Drinking is a basic item of man’s daily necessities. God tested the men by observing how they took care of their necessities. The selection of the three hundred men stresses the sacrifice of one’s personal interests and enjoyment for God’s purpose. Like Gideon, the three hundred who lapped water from their hand, restricting themselves in quenching their thirst, were willing to sacrifice in order to be used by God. Those who knelt down on their knees and drank without restraint took care of their necessity much more than God’s need, and God sent them home (cf. 2 Tim. 2:4).