Following some ancient versions; the Hebrew text reads, seventh.
cf. Psa. 19:10; 119:103
cf. Judg. 16:16
Following some ancient versions; the Hebrew text reads, seventh.
Psa. 78:2; Prov. 1:6; Ezek. 17:2; cf. 1 Kings 10:1
cf. Exo. 3:8; Deut. 8:8; 1 Sam. 14:25; Matt. 3:4
Samson had faith in God (cf. Heb. 11:32). His faith is seen in his tearing a young lion by the Spirit of Jehovah rushing upon him (vv. 5-6), in his slaying thirty men by the Spirit of Jehovah rushing upon him (v. 19), in his slaying one thousand Philistines by the Spirit of Jehovah rushing upon him (Judg. 15:12-18a), and in his destroying the house where he was compelled to perform (Judg. 16:28-30).
cf. Gen. 24:3-4; 28:1-2; Deut. 7:3
Samson failed in not contacting God and in indulging in sex. He was not genuine in seeking for a spouse; rather, his contacting of women was to indulge his lusts. He indulged his lust with a Philistine woman, whom he married and who released his secret to the Philistines (vv. 1-3, 10-17); with a harlot in Gaza, in whose place Samson was surrounded by the Philistines (Judg. 16:1-3); and with a woman by the name of Delilah, who released the secret of his great strength (Judg. 16:4-20a). Although he had been empowered by God, he was damaged to the uttermost because of his indulgence in lust. Ultimately, Jehovah left him, and he came to a miserable ending (Judg. 16:20-30).