This indicates that although Jerusalem and Zedekiah would be captured, God would still keep the Holy Land with His people. In God’s intention the Holy Land would remain a fit place for His people to live.

This indicates that although Jerusalem and Zedekiah would be captured, God would still keep the Holy Land with His people. In God’s intention the Holy Land would remain a fit place for His people to live.
Lit., they.
Here Jeremiah came to know God’s intention, and His intention, revealed in His word to Jeremiah, became His promise to the prophet.
We, the chosen people of God, should all have one heart — to love God, to seek God, to live God, and to be constituted with God that we may be His expression — and one way — the Triune God Himself as the inner law of life with its divine capacity (Jer. 31:33-34; John 14:6a). This one heart and one way are the one accord (Acts 1:14; 2:46; 4:24; Rom. 15:6). Divisions result from having a heart for something other than Christ and taking a way other than Christ.
This eternal covenant is the new covenant (Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 13:20). It is by this covenant that God will not turn away from us and will plant us in Christ, our good land (see note Deut. 8:71 in ), and Christ in all His aspects will be bought by us (vv. 40-44), i.e., gained by us through our paying the price to forget the things that are behind and pursue Christ (Phil. 3:8-14).
See note Jer. 17:261.