Jeremiah’s word to Jehovah in 15:10—17:27 indicates that there was something within Jeremiah that was different from God’s thought regarding Israel. It might have been that the feeling within Jeremiah was that God’s judgment upon Israel was too severe. After Jeremiah’s complaining (Jer. 15:10), God came in to speak with Jeremiah, indicating to him that He was determined to use the Babylonians as iron to judge and punish Israel (Jer. 15:12). Following Jeremiah’s experience in arguing with God, he wrote a section of his prophecy concerning Jehovah as the sovereign Potter, who has absolute right over Israel as His pottery (vv. 1-10; cf. Rom. 9:20-23). Jehovah as the sovereign Potter is able to work with the house of Israel, as the clay in His hand, in changeable ways according to Israel’s condition (vv. 6-10). This corrected Jeremiah’s concept.