Lit., he.
Gen. 27:29; cf. 2 Sam. 8:14
Lit., he.
Lit., your soul.
cf. Gen. 49:8
In v. 4 Isaac wanted to bless Esau, but he mixed God’s blessing with his natural taste. Here, Isaac blessed Jacob, but he blessed blindly, both physically (v. 1) and spiritually, because he had been blinded by his natural taste. This indicates that Isaac did not have much maturity in life. However, Isaac did bless his sons by faith, and God honored his blessing and it became a prophecy (Heb. 11:20).
Esau’s despising of the birthright (Gen. 25:34), Rebekah’s ingeniousness in her preferential love, and Isaac’s blindness in blessing worked together for Jacob’s good, that God might sovereignly fulfill the purpose of His selection (cf. Rom. 8:28-30).
Lit., he.
Lit., my soul.
Lit., your soul.
cf. 1 Sam. 25:24; 2 Sam. 14:9
cf. Deut. 27:18
Or, mocker.
See note Num. 6:231a.
Lit., my soul.
Or, away from the fatness…away from the dew.
Or, have roved about. The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain.
cf. Amos 1:11; Obad. 1:10
I.e., the Hittite women.