Lit., Booths. See note Exo. 23:162b.
Deut. 34:5; cf. Num. 27:13
Lit., Booths. See note Exo. 23:162b.
Deut. 1:21; 7:18; Josh. 1:9; 8:1; 10:25
Deut. 3:27; 4:21; cf. Num. 27:13-14
Deut. 34:7; cf. Exo. 7:7
According to some MSS and ancient versions; other MSS read, went and spoke.
Deut. 31:22, 30; 32:1-43; cf. 2 Sam. 1:18
Deut. 31:8; Josh. 1:5, 9; 3:7; cf. Deut. 3:28
What is portrayed in vv. 27-29 concerning the rebelliousness and stubbornness of the children of Israel should cause us not to have any trust in ourselves, for we are the same in nature as they. Therefore, we surely need the Lord’s mercy and grace. We need to continually come to the Lord and receive Him as the word into our being (see note Deut. 8:31 and note Deut. 30:121a).
Israel’s stubbornness is in contrast to God’s sovereignty for the showing forth of God’s wisdom and for the accomplishing of God’s economy (Rom. chs. 9—11).
Deut. 4:26; 30:19; cf. Deut. 32:1
cf. Judg. 2:19