The Lord delivered Himself of His own accord to the process of death, as He had indicated in John 10:17-18. He did it voluntarily and boldly.
The Lord delivered Himself of His own accord to the process of death, as He had indicated in John 10:17-18. He did it voluntarily and boldly.
See note John 18:11.
Matt. 2:23; cf. John 1:46
In view of the entire revelation of this book, truth here denotes the divine reality embodied, revealed, and expressed in Christ as the Son of God. See note John 1:146d and note 1 John 1:66.
The world.
Lit., out of; so in v. 37.
See note John 18:211.
The Jews' way to put criminals to death was to stone them (Lev. 24:16). But the Lord Jesus predicted, according to the type in the Old Testament (Num. 21:8-9), that He would be lifted up (John 3:14; 8:28; 12:32). It was of God's sovereignty that not long before that time the Roman Empire had made it a law that criminals sentenced to death should be crucified. It was in this way that the Lord was executed. This proves that the Lord's death was not accidental but was predetermined by God (Acts 2:23).
A reference to the fourth watch, 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
The governor's official residence.
John 19:3; Matt. 26:67; cf. Matt. 5:39
While judging the Lord, both the high priest of the Jewish religion and the governor of the Roman Empire were judged by Him in His dignity.
The Lord was the Lamb of God (John 1:29), and He was killed on the day of the Passover (v. 28). As the Passover lamb was examined before it was killed (Exo. 12:3-6), so He was examined by the whole of mankind, represented by the high priest of the Jews and the governor of the Romans, and proved to be without blemish (John 18:38b; John 19:4, 6). See note Mark 12:371.
This word, too, shows that the Lord was willing to pass through the process of death.
While suffering betrayal at the hands of His false disciple and arrest by the soldiers, the Lord still took good care of His disciples. This reveals that He was at ease in passing through the process of death.
I Am is the name of Jehovah (so in vv. 6, 8). See note John 8:241b. When the soldiers heard this name, they drew back and fell to the ground.