Lit., a blessing.
Lit., a blessing.
Many MSS read, his.
I.e., Hebrew.
The language of Syria.
cf. Ezek. 29:6-7; Isa. 30:2-3
cf. 2 Kings 12:18; 16:8
For 18:13—20:19, see notes in Isa. 36:1—39:8.
vv. 9-12: cf. 2 Kings 17:3-7
cf. 2 Kings 23:25
Meaning a piece of bronze. Moses, according to God’s instructions, had made that bronze serpent in order to rescue the people from death (Num. 21:8-9). However, in their superstition the people eventually regarded the bronze serpent as an idol, and for this reason Hezekiah broke it in pieces.
cf. 2 Kings 15:30; 17:1