The peace offering is based on God’s satisfaction in the burnt offering (Lev. 6:12). According to the sequence of the offerings presented in 1:1—6:7, it is also the issue of the enjoyment of God and man in the meal offering. If we would enjoy Christ as peace in a practical, daily way, we must first take Him as our burnt offering to satisfy God, and then we must feed on Him as the meal offering, enjoying Him as our food.
According to the sequence of the offerings in 6:8—7:38, the peace offering is also based on the sin offering and the trespass offering. When the problem of our sin and trespasses is solved by Christ as the sin offering and trespass offering, and when God and we are satisfied with Christ as the burnt offering and the meal offering, we can offer Christ to God as the peace offering for our mutual enjoyment in peace. See Lev. 7:37 and note Lev. 7:372.