See note Judg. 2:11a, par. 1.

Num. 25:17-18; cf. Gen. 25:2
Judg. 7:12; cf. Joel 1:4
See note Judg. 2:11a, par. 1.
The Angel of Jehovah is Jehovah Himself (vv. 11-14, 21-23). See note Exo. 3:21b.
cf. Exo. 3:11; 2 Sam. 7:18
vv. 18-21; cf. Gen. 18:3-8; Judg. 13:15-16, 19-20
cf. Gen. 32:30; Exo. 33:20; Judg. 13:22
cf. Gen. 22:14; 28:19; 33:20; 35:7, 15; Exo. 17:15; Ezek. 48:35
Meaning Jehovah is peace, or Jehovah of peace.
An image of a female deity.
Gideon, a marvelous judge who was called by God in a very particular way (vv. 11-24), was successful because of four things. First, he listened carefully to the word of God, something that was rare among the children of Israel at that time. Second, he obeyed God’s word and acted on it. Third, he tore down the altar of Baal and cut down the Asherah (vv. 25-28). Fourth, by tearing down the altar of Baal and cutting down the Asherah that belonged to his father, Gideon sacrificed his relationship with his father and his enjoyment of society to follow Jehovah (vv. 29-32). As a result of these four factors, Gideon received a reward: the economical Spirit came upon him (v. 34). Hence, he became powerful and with only three hundred men defeated two princes and two kings (Judg. 7:25; 8:10-12). With Gideon we have a picture of a man who lived in union with God, a God-man, to fulfill God’s word and to carry out God’s economy.
Lit., him.
Meaning let Baal contend.