Lit., them.
Lit., them.
I.e., the city.
See note Jer. 23:51b. This word regarding Christ as the Shoot of righteousness unto David is related to the new covenant (Jer. 31:31-34), the center of which is the inner law of life. This law is the Shoot of David, and the Shoot of David is Christ. As the law of life, Christ is the center, the reality, and even the essence of the new covenant. See note Jer. 31:331.
In 23:6 it is Christ who is called Jehovah our righteousness, but here it is the city of Jerusalem that is called by this name. The fact that both Christ and Jerusalem are called by the same name seems to indicate that just as Christ and the church are one (1 Cor. 12:12; Col. 3:10-11), in the restoration Christ and the city of Jerusalem will be one.
cf. Jer. 23:6
In vv. 20-26 God assures His people that just as the universe remains forever, so the people of God and the royal family will remain forever (cf. Jer. 31:35-36 and note Jer. 31:361).
Cf. note Gen. 22:171b.