Images of a female deity.

Images of a female deity.
The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain.
According to God’s economy, the one who trusts in God is like a tree planted by water, signifying God as the fountain of living waters (Jer. 2:13a). A tree grows beside a river by absorbing all the riches of the water. This is a picture of God’s economy, which is carried out by His dispensing. In order to receive the divine dispensing, we as the trees must absorb God as the water (cf. 1 Cor. 3:6). The riches of the supplying God dispensed into us as the trees constitute us with God’s divinity and cause us to grow into God’s measure (Col. 2:19). In this way we and God become one, having the same element, essence, constitution, and appearance (Rev. 4:3; 21:11).
Even this word regarding the deceitful and incurable heart of man is related to God’s economy with His dispensing. Although man’s heart is corrupt and deceitful and its condition is incurable, even such a heart can be a tablet upon which God writes His law of life (Jer. 31:33; cf. 2 Cor. 3:3). This reveals that God has a way to impart Himself into man. Once He has come into man, God will spread from man’s spirit into his heart. This is God’s way, according to His economy, to deal with the heart of fallen man. See Ezek. 36:26 and note Ezek. 36:261.
Lit., dig.
See note Jer. 2:131. Jer. 2:13; 15:16 and Jer. 17:7-8 (see notes on these verses) present basic points of the divine thought concerning the carrying out of God’s economy by His dispensing. As God accomplishes His economy by dispensing Himself into us, He is our food, our water, and our fountain of living waters. How marvelous it is that in a portion of the Word concerned with God’s chastisement of His sinful and evil people, such a full picture of God’s economy accomplished by His dispensing is presented!
See note Exo. 20:81a.
I.e., the dry southern desert of Canaan; the term is generally used to refer to the south.