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Offline Bible app for Android

Download free Holy Bible app for Android phones with no registration

Version 1.132-en, for Android version 4.0 and later
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For easy downloading directly to your device, go to this page from the device on which you want to install the application.
To install the application, enable the setting "allow installation from unfamiliar sources" in the Security section.

The application has a registration (voluntary).

It is designed so that the application can remember yours:

1) Notes and bookmarks

2) History:
- what was the last time you read in the New Testament, in the Old Testament, in the Life Studies and in the Books.
- what did you read in the last time in the books you marked
- what you were listening to and what time you stopped

When registering, no data on & nbsp; you are needed, only your password and password recovery email, and mail will be your login.

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on books and chapters of the Bible
Hover your cursor or tap on the link
You can hide links in the settings