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Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 1) Vol. 01: The Christian Life and Warfare

Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
A short introduction in memory of Brother Watchman Nee    ch.1
Preface    ch.2
The Christian life and warfare    ch.3
Foreword    ch.4
The distinction between the spirit, the soul, and the body    ch.5
The flesh    ch.6
The soul-life    ch.7
Fact, faith, and experience    ch.8
Living by faith    ch.9
How to seek after God's will    ch.10
The freedom of the cross    ch.11
The prayer that opposes Satan    ch.12
The tempter and the tempted    ch.13
I. The origin of the tempter and his kingdom
A. His names
B. His kingdom
C. His government and ministers
D. His religion
E. His people
II. The tempter and those who overcome the tempter
A. The overcomers
B. The place of overcoming
C. The warfare announced by the messengers
D. The release of the captives
E. The victory of the Christians
III. The deceptions of the tempter
A. His plot against the unsaved ones
B. His deceptions against the saved ones
1. Keeping them from being absolute in their consecration to God (Acts 5:3)
2. Holding them back from taking off their filthy garments (Zechariah 3:1-3)
3. Working in fleshly jealousy and rivalry (James 3:14-15)
4. Keeping them from the cross by means of other men (Matthew 16:22-23)
5. Threatening them as a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8)
6. Making them proud (1 Timothy 3:6)
7. Causing them to do things beyond God's will (2 Samuel 24:1)
8. Causing them to doubt God's Word (Genesis 3:1)
9. Oppressing them and making them sick (Acts 10:38)
C. His deceptions against those in God's hand
1. Throwing his darts (Ephesians 6:16)
2. Setting up his snare (1 Timothy 3:7)
3. Exercising his stratagems (Ephesians 6:11)
4. Accusing the believers (Revelation 12:10)
5. Corrupting their faith (2 Corinthians 11:3)
6. Transfiguring Himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14)
7. Trying his best to persecute (Revelation 2:10)
8. Preventing the saints' prayers from being answered (Daniel 10:12-13)
IV. How to overcome the tempter
A. Knowing that it is not we who are fighting against the devil, but God
B. Always hiding under the precious blood of Jesus to be saved from condemnation
C. If we have the digested word of God, we will overcome
D. We must withstand him by exercising our will
E. Calling on God immediately without consulting the devil
F. Not giving ground to Satan even in the smallest things
G. Maintaining a love for men
H. Being particularly careful with our words
I. Being especially watchful when contacting others
J. Always declaring that the enemy is under us
V. The limitations of the tempter
A. If a temptation falls outside of God's promise, it cannot do anything to the believers
B. The reason God allows Satan to tempt us
C. The limit of temptations
D. God's almighty protection
E. Prayer
F. The intercession of the High Priest in heaven
G. The end of the enemy
Appendices    ch.14
Appendix two    ch.15
Appendix three    ch.16
Appendix four    ch.17
Appendix five    ch.18
Appendix six    ch.19
Appendix seven    ch.20
Appendix eight    ch.21
Appendix nine    ch.22
Appendix ten    ch.23
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