Scripture Reading: Rom. 8:14-16
In this message we come to the matter of glorification. What is the goal of glorification? The goal of glorification is the full sonship of the children of God. Condemnation requires justification, justification is for sanctification, sanctification is for glorification, and glorification is for the full sonship of the children of God.
Before 8:14 the terms “children of God” and “sons of God” have not been used in the book of Romans. The concept of “children of God” is only brought in at this point, proving that Paul wrote the book of Romans with a deep purpose in view. Starting with 8:14 Paul begins to speak about the sons of God and the children of God. However, the ultimate concept of the section on glorification (Rom. 8:14-39) does not concern the children or the sons, but the heirs. We may be a child of God without the growth of a son of God, or a son of God without the qualification for an heir. Thus, Paul’s ultimate concept in this portion of Romans concerns the heirs of glory.
Romans 8:14 says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” This verse is a continuation of the foregoing portion in which Paul tells us that we must walk according to spirit (v. 4). In a sense, to walk according to spirit is to be under the leading of the Holy Spirit. Thus, verse 14 continues Paul’s thought by saying that as many as are led by the Holy Spirit, or by the Spirit of God, are the sons of God. By means of this short sentence Paul turns the whole concept from that of the sanctified ones to that of the sons of God. At the end of verse 13 the thought was on the sanctified ones, the ones who were condemned, justified, reconciled, identified, and eventually sanctified. With verse 14 Paul introduces the concept of the sons of God. How are we sanctified? By walking according to spirit. In a sense, walking according to spirit means to be led by the Spirit of God, and “as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” In this way Paul turns us from sanctification to sonship. Now we have come to the matter of the sons of God.
We need to approach the subject of sonship in the spirit, not in the letter. If we are in the letter, we will have difficulty. Why? Because according to the letter all the sisters are excluded. How can sisters be sons? Paul did not say, “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons and daughters of God.” However, we all, brothers and sisters alike, are sons of God. We must read the Bible not merely in letter, but in spirit. Although we are males and females, brothers and sisters, in spirit we are all sons of God. In eternity there will be no daughters, only sons.
One day the Sadducees came to the Lord Jesus, arguing with Him about resurrection (Matt. 22:23-33). They thought that they were quite wise. They told Him about the case of a woman who, in succession, married seven brothers. After they all had died the woman also died. Then the Sadducees asked Him whose wife she would be in the resurrection since all seven had been married to her. The Lord said that they were wrong and knew neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. The Lord said further that in the resurrection we would neither marry nor be given in marriage, but would be as the angels of God. We shall be wonderful persons with no difference between male and female. We shall not only be justified and sanctified, but also glorified. We shall all be glorified persons, the eternal sons of God. If we walk according to spirit, there is no difference between male and female, for we are all sons of God. However, we must not forget that we are still in the flesh. In the flesh we have male and female, husband and wife. We must not apply something that will be true in resurrection to the situation today. If we do that, we will have trouble. Nevertheless, we all, brothers and sisters alike, are sons of God.
“For you have not received a spirit of slavery to fear again, but you have received a spirit of sonship in which we cry, Abba, Father.” How did we receive this spirit of sonship? By the Spirit of the Son of God coming into our spirit. Galatians 4:6, a sister verse to Romans 8:15, says, “And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15 says that we “have received a spirit of sonship”; Galatians 4:6 says that “God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son” into us. Because the Spirit of the Son of God enters into our spirit our spirit becomes a spirit of sonship. Thus, verse 15 says that we “have received a spirit of sonship.” Furthermore, verse 15 mentions “a spirit of sonship in which we cry, Abba, Father”; but in Galatians 4:6 it says that “the Spirit of His Son” cries “Abba, Father.” There is a difference here. Nevertheless, whether we cry or He cries, we both cry together. When we cry, He cries in our crying. When He cries, we cry with Him. According to grammar, the subject of crying in verse 15 is “we,” but in Galatians 4:6 the subject of crying is “the Spirit.” These two verses prove that we and He, our spirit and the Spirit, are one. When we cry, “Abba, Father,” He joins with us in our crying. The Spirit cries in our crying because the Spirit of the Son of God indwells our spirit. Hence, there is no fear, only a sweet crying of, “Abba, Father.”
“Abba” is an Aramaic word which also means father. When these two terms “Abba” and “Father” are put together, the result is a deep, sweet sense, a sense that is exquisitely intimate. “Abba, Father” is sweetness intensified. Children of every race address their father in such a sweet way: in America we say, “Daddy”; in China they say, “Baba”; and in the Philippines they say, “Papa.” We do not speak one syllable, such as “Da,” “Ba,” or “Pa.” It is not sweet at all if we speak just one syllable. We need to say, “Daddy,” “Baba,” or “Papa.” We need to call, “Abba, Father.” If you do it, you will realize how sweet it is.
Why do we call, “Abba, Father”? Because we have a spirit of sonship. If a certain man is not my father, it will be difficult for me to call him “Daddy.” It may be easy for me to call him “mister,” but I cannot call him “Daddy.” It would be even harder for me to say to him, “Abba, Father.” In fact, it would be impossible. If my dear father were still living, I would like to call him, “Daddy.” It would be so sweet to address him in this way because I was born of him. Young people, there is no need for you to doubt whether or not you are the sons of God. When you say, “Abba, Father,” do you have a sweet, intimate sensation within you? If you do, it proves that you are a son of God and that you have a spirit of sonship. If you find yourself able to call Him God, but not Abba Father, it indicates that you are not a son of God. However, as long as you can call, “Abba, Father” sweetly, you may be assured that you are a son of God.
“The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are the children of God.” In verse 14 we see “the sons of God” and in verse 15 “the spirit of sonship.” Why in verse 16 does Paul suddenly mention “the children”? Because the Spirit witnesses to something basic. He witnesses to our primary or initial relationship with God. As I have already mentioned, we may be children without the growth of a son and we may be sons without the qualification of an heir. For the Holy Spirit to witness that we are all heirs of God would be premature. Most of us are not mature enough for such a witness. Thus, the Spirit witnesses to the most basic and elementary relationship — that of being the children of God. He witnesses with our spirit that we are God’s children. Therefore, the witnessing of the Holy Spirit starts with the youngest age, even from our spiritual birth. Regardless of how young or new you may be, if you are a child of God, the Spirit of God witnesses with your spirit. Notice that it does not say “in our spirit.” If it said “in our spirit,” it would mean that only the Spirit of God witnesses, but that our spirit does not witness. However, it says that the Spirit witnesses with our spirit, meaning that both witness together. The Spirit of God witnesses, and simultaneously our spirit witnesses together with Him. This is wonderful.
Some may say, “I don’t feel that the Spirit of God witnesses. Where is the Spirit of God? I don’t feel Him. I don’t have any sensation that the Spirit of God is within me. I never saw Him and I cannot feel Him. I simply cannot sense Him.” However, do you not feel that your spirit witnesses? You must realize that as long as your spirit is witnessing it means that the Holy Spirit also is witnessing. You cannot deny that your spirit witnesses within you. The Apostle Paul was very wise. He said that the Spirit witnesses with our spirit. When our spirit witnesses, that is also the witnessing of the Spirit, because the two spirits have been mingled together as one. It is very difficult for anyone to distinguish these two spirits.
Many Christians have a mistaken, natural concept regarding the leading of the Spirit. People invariably think that the leading of the Spirit comes suddenly from the third heaven or elsewhere. Some ask the Lord for a sign saying, “O Lord, give me a sign, an indicator, whether or not I should buy this thing. Lord, if there’s transportation available, it will be a sign that You want me to buy it, but if there’s no transportation, it means that You don’t want me to buy it. Lord, keep the stores open, for if they are closed it will indicate that You do not want me to buy anything.” This is an example of a mistaken concept regarding the Lord’s leading.
Have you noticed the first word in verse 14 regarding the Lord’s leading? The first word is, “For,” a word which refers us back to what Paul has mentioned previously and which indicates that verse 14 is a continuation of that matter. Thus, the leading in verse 14 is related to the items which have been covered in the foregoing verses. Now the main point of the previous verses is to walk according to the spirit that we might fulfill the righteous requirement of the law of God. How can we have the leading of the Spirit? It is neither by praying nor by looking to signs or indicators. We may have the leading of the Spirit by walking according to the spirit.
The leading of the Spirit does not derive from nor depend upon outward things. The leading of the Spirit is an issue of the inner life. I would say that it comes from the sense of life, from the consciousness of the divine life within us. The word life is mentioned at least five times in Romans 8. Hence, the leading of the Spirit is a matter of life, a matter of the sense and consciousness of life. The mind set upon the spirit is life (v. 6). How can we know this life? Not by outward things, but by the inward sense and consciousness of life. There is an inward sense which comes from setting the mind upon the spirit. If our mind is set upon our spirit, we are immediately strengthened and satisfied inwardly. We also are watered and refreshed. By that sense and consciousness we can know the life within us, and by this sense of life we can know that we are walking rightly. In other words, we know that we are under the leading of the Spirit. Therefore, the leading of the Spirit in verse 14 does not depend on outward things; it absolutely depends upon the sense of life within our spirit.
Sisters, when you are about to go shopping you need not pray, “Lord, should I go shopping or not? If I should not go, give me a sign.” There is no need for you to pray in this way. You should not say, “O Lord, if You do not want me to go to the department store, prevent me.” Never pray or think in this way. Do not think that if the Lord does not stop you from going shopping that you have the leading of the Lord. Everything might be smooth outwardly, but how about inwardly? Perhaps after you have parked your automobile and while you are walking toward the door of the department store you have no peace within. Instead of being inwardly strengthened you feel frustrated. However, since everything is smooth outwardly you proceed. Inwardly, however, the closer you get to the store, the emptier you feel. You may be able to justify yourself by outward things: by the fact that you have the money; that your husband, who is afraid of you, is agreeable; that the weather is excellent; and that there is little traffic. You say to yourself, “Don’t you believe that God is sovereign? All things are working together for good.” I do not inquire about the outward things. I ask about your inward sensations. Although everything is positive outwardly, inwardly you are empty and weak. You do not have the anointing, the watering, or the inward peace.
What does this mean? It means that the leading of the Spirit is within you, in your inner life. Unbelievers do not have the divine life that is within us. The divine life within us leads us constantly, not by signs or indicators, but by giving us an inward sense, feeling, or consciousness. Thus, Paul says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” If you are led by outward things, it does not prove that you are a son of God. However, if you are led by the inward sense of the divine life, it indicates that you are a son of God. We are the sons of God because we have the life of God. Why are worldly people not the sons of God? Because they lack the life of God.
Consider the case of the donkey used by Balaam, the heathen prophet. Undoubtedly, the donkey was led to speak a human language. Nevertheless, that leading was not derived from life, but from a miraculous gift. The leading that comes from such a gift does not indicate that we are sons of God. Yes, the donkey was led to speak in a human tongue, but this did not indicate that it had a human life, much less that it was a son of God.
When you sisters are about to go to a department store, although everything may be clear outwardly, you need to obey the inner sense of life. As you approach the entrance of the store, something within may tell you, “Go back.” You do not hear an audible word, but you have the sense of darkness, weakness, and dryness as you are about to enter the store. Since you are a son of God, you have such an indicator from the inward life. You have something that people in the world do not have. Because you have the life of God, you have the leading which issues from that life. This leading indicates that you are a son of God. This is the reason that in verse 14 Paul says that as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.
Where is the leading that Paul mentions in verse 14? It is in verses 4 and 6. The leading of the Spirit comes as you walk according to the spirit and set your mind on the spirit. If you walk according to the spirit and set your mind on the spirit, you will find that you have the leading of the Spirit. You will have the consciousness that you are walking, behaving, and living according to the spirit. You should not violate this inner sense or disobey this inward consciousness, for it is truly the leading of the Spirit. When you have this sense within, it means that you are being led by the Spirit. Therefore, to set your mind upon the spirit is to be placed under the leading of the Spirit. The inward life gives you the sense, even in small things, of whether or not you are under the Lord’s leading. Thus, we are led of the Spirit by walking according to spirit and by setting our mind upon the spirit. Therefore, the leading of the Spirit mentioned in verse 14 is not derived from the outward environment, but from the inward sense and consciousness of the divine life. This leading proves that we are sons of God, for “as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”
I would like to say a word especially to the teen-agers who might be reading this message. While your classmates are talking in a worldly way, you may find yourself, at a certain point, unable to join in the conversation. Although nothing outward frustrates you, you do sense an inner forbidding. This inward regulation comes from the life of God within you, the life which makes you a child of God. Your classmates may be discussing sinful things in a happy, excited way, but the divine life within you does not allow you to say a word. Instead, it turns you away from them. That is the leading of the Spirit. This leading of the Spirit marks you out as a son of God. Because of this mark from the leading of the Spirit your classmates will wonder what has happened to you. They will wonder why you do not talk and what is different about you. They will wonder because they are sons of the devil and you are a son of God. You have the leading of the Spirit within you.
I would also like to say a word about fashions and styles of clothing. Today, the children of the devil have their styles and fashions. Surely all the modern fashions are the leading of the devil. Modern fashion is a mark of the children of the evil one. No Christian should dress himself in such a way. Although the churches in the Lord’s recovery do not post a list of outward regulations regarding dress, within you you have the divine life which makes you a son of God. When your friends, relatives, and classmates dress themselves in a devilish way, within you is a sense that does not allow you to dress yourself in that manner. This is the leading of the Spirit, the mark that designates you as a son of God.
How do we know that we are the sons of God? We know by the leading of the Spirit, for the leading of the Spirit puts a mark upon us. The inward life constantly gives us a sensation or consciousness that we should not behave ourselves like worldly people do. We must be different from our relatives, friends, classmates, and neighbors. As we obey the inward sense of life, we spontaneously display a mark which tells people that we are different from the devil’s children, that we have the life of God within us which makes us sons of God. This is the leading of the Spirit. Do not consider the leading of the Spirit mentioned in verse 14 as an outward matter. It is absolutely an inward sense which comes from the divine life in our spirit.
This leading of the Spirit by the inward sense of the divine life does not happen as an accident. It is a continual matter in our daily life, just like breathing. Normal breathing is continuous breathing. When breathing becomes an accident, it is an indicator that something is wrong with our health. Since the leading of the Spirit is a matter of life, it should continue normally in every aspect of our daily walk. This is the leading of the Spirit. This leading of the Spirit in our daily life is the proof that we are sons of God.
If we do not live and walk according to this leading of the Spirit, we may be the children of God concerning which the Spirit witnesses with our spirit in crying, “Abba, Father,” but we do not have the mark that designates us as the sons of God. We may be God’s children, but we do not have the growth which comes by living and walking according to the leading of the Spirit in life. The leading of the Spirit marks us out as being the sons of God in the growth of life.
We need to realize the difference between the children of God in verse 16 and the sons of God in verse 14. The children of God are in the initial stage of the divine life, the stage which mainly concerns the birth, while the sons of God are in a more advanced stage, the stage which concerns the growth in life. In order to be children of God we need the witnessing of the Spirit with our spirit, but in order to be the sons of God we need the leading of the Spirit by the sense of the divine life. As long as we have the witness of the Spirit with our spirit, we have the assurance that we are the children of God. However, in order to have the proof, the mark, that we are the sons of God we need to have the leading of the Spirit and to live and walk according to the inner sense of the divine life. All real Christians are children of God, having the witness of the Spirit with their spirit, but not all have the mark that they are the sons of God who are growing in the divine life and living and walking according to the leading of the Spirit. Therefore, we all must move forward in the growth in life from the initial stage of being the children of God to the more advanced stage, showing that we are the sons of God by bearing the distinct mark of the leading of the Spirit in life.