Appendix C
Jan. 7, 1989
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
A number of issues and questions have been raised recently in the church in Anaheim which require our response. We felt that we, john Ingalls and Albert Knoch, should make our standing known in writing for the benefit of all the saints. There are six main points which are addressed in these pages, the last of which, entitled, “How do we go on?” especially needs our attention and consideration in these days.
We are also attaching to this letter a corrected and edited copy of the transcript of a meeting held in Anaheim, August 28, 1988, in which are 16 points presenting the standing of the church.
The six matters raised with our response are as follows:
1. Transcripts of the meeting held in Anaheim on August 28, 1988
a. Should their distribution be denounced?
b. Who do these statements represent?
It is true that we did not authorize the printing and distribution of the transcripts of that meeting, nor did we know that it was being done until after they were already in circulation. At that time we attempted to restrain the distribution, but to no avail. Later, after further consideration, we felt that the distribution of the transcripts covering the sixteen points spoken by John Ingalls and Godfred Otuteye plus the confirming testimony given by Albert Knoch, was allowed sovereignly by the Lord and used by Him. We deeply feel that these points are solidly based on the Word of God and need to be reviewed, addressed, and considered by all the saints. Of course, some of the points spoken by Godfred were especially suited to the local situation in Anaheim and should be viewed as such; this should be clear to all who read it.
In the light of the above, we do not feel that we can or should denounce the distribution of this document either in Anaheim or by letter to other churches. If any church communicates with us concerning this matter, we will share our attitude and convictions with them (as we have already done in some instances). We are attaching a corrected and edited copy of the transcript to this letter
Concerning the separate distribution of testimonies given by others in the meeting of August 28th, we had no involvement in that, and though not agreeing with it, do not feel obliged to denounce it.
It is clear from the transcript that we did not purport to represent all the saints or all elders. We spoke for ourselves as elders, expressing what we felt the standing of the church should be based on the Word of God. We felt then and still feel strongly that these points are well supported by the truth. They have been confirmed by many saints and elders both here and in other localities, and many feel they have been greatly helped by them. Actually, they are for the greater part what we have always believed and taught in the Lord’s recovery since the beginning. Should any of the saints have any difficulties with these points, we encourage them to indicate these specifically in writing, based on the Word, and send them to us. We would be happy to address the matters in further fellowship.
2. Distribution of the flyer entitled Significant Dates in the History of the Church in Anaheim
Except for a few minor inaccuracies which do not affect the substance of the flyer, the contents are factual. Despite this, we cannot agree with its tone. We feel it is wholly out-of-character and unbecoming to Christians to distribute such a flyer anywhere. We as elders certainly hope it will not be distributed on the premises of our meeting hall or in any place where the saints are gathered.
3. Dealing with various disturbing testimonies given by saints in the meetings during September and October
Concerning some of the statements made by the saints deemed offensive and untrue, we would remind you that Godfred already publicly denounced and rebuked these, and we concurred. We would encourage the saints who were offended and grieved by other matters shared to go directly to the brothers themselves according to the Lord’s teaching in Matthew 18. We have spoken privately to a number of the saints whose speaking may have offended others, advising them to consider before the Lord what kind of action if any He would have them to take.
4. Our relationship with Brother Lee.
a. Allowing the saints the freedom of close fellowship with him.
b. Concerning the announcement of meetings, trainings, and new books.
We acknowledge that “the church in Anaheim has had a long and close relationship with Brother Lee.” Therefore, as you expressed in your letter, we certainly desire “to be fair to all the saints and allow the same freedom of close fellowship.” Our attitude is that we would like to practice true generality, where all the saints are free to follow their own conscience (see point #6 of this letter). If any of the saints desire to receive Brother Lee’s ministry by attending trainings and conferences of his or by reading his books, they are at full liberty to do so. If any prefer not to do this, we should also afford them this liberty. We do not agree, however, that Brother Lee or any other servant of the Lord should ever be made an issue or factor of division.
Concerning the announcement of meetings, conferences, and trainings; if properly informed, we will announce the meetings of Brother Lee and other servants of the Lord which we deem appropriate and helpful at the time for the Lord’s purpose and economy. Concerning the announcement of new books, we will abide by our statement in the attached transcript concerning this (point #12).
5. Brother Joseph Fung’s visit to Anaheim
We feel strongly that we should receive all brothers, all whom the Lord receives. Joseph himself is a servant of the Lord who has served in the church in Hong Kong for many years, and we honor him as such. Whether or not his presence here is profitable for the church, only the Lord truly knows and can judge. We surely do not have any jurisdiction to ask him to leave this area. In fact, we consider that his visit has been helpful to many of the saints. Some discouraged ones have been restored, and some angry ones have been calmed down. We feel that our fellowship with him has been constructive and useful for the building up of the church. Moreover, we consider that some things that have been spread concerning him are slanderous and evil reports.
6. How do we go on?
We believe that all the saints among us love Christ and the church. Moreover, we also feel that we need to go on positively, not only with a few saints, but with all. Therefore, we are happy to have this opportunity to share with you our burden in this regard. We believe we can answer this question under four headings:
a. By receiving the Word of God
Our greatest need is for the Lord to speak to us through His Word. Therefore we strongly encourage every saint to earnestly seek the Lord every day in His Word, not only reading it, but receiving the Lord’s speaking through it. His speaking is the most crucial thing. We all need it desperately and should pray that the Lord will definitely speak to us every day through His Word. Matthew 4:4 says that man shall live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Without the Lord’s speaking it is impossible to go on or have a proper church life. Only this will deliver us from many distracting considerations and focus us on the Lord Himself and His purpose. Only this will richly supply us to share the living Word in the meetings to nourish others and build up the Body. The best way to overcome many troubling factors is to be well-nourished by the living, spoken Word of God.
Moreover, our church life and daily life should be governed in all things solely by the Word of God, not by any expediency, tradition, or extraneous influence. (See point #1 of the attached transcript.) May the Lord fully establish the authority and supremacy of His Word among us.
b. By following the Spirit’s leading
In order to do this, we must give the Lord His rightful place as our unique Head, the Head of the church (Col. 1:18) and the Head of every man (1 Cor. 11:3). This means that as the church in Anaheim we are directly responsible and accountable to the Lord (Rev. 2, Rev. 3), and need to receive our leading in all things from Him. This also means that as individual members of His Body we are directly responsible and accountable to Him who is now the Spirit within us. Therefore, it is our privilege and responsibility to be led directly by the Spirit (Rom. 8:14) and taught by His anointing concerning all things (1 Jn. 2:27). This is a great blessing of the new covenant. In this age there is no intermediary between ourselves and Him. We hope that in all areas of the church life and our daily lives we will increasingly experience this reality.
In order to seek the Lord’s leading in all things we feel deeply that we need much more earnest prayer than we now have. We have had a great shortage of this in the past. May the Lord send us to our knees, especially at this time, corporately, individually, or in small groups, to seek His mercy, His grace, and His leading for our going on.
c. By practicing and keeping the oneness of the Spirit
To do this we must learn to receive all whom God receives, and to receive one another as Christ has received us to the glory of God (Rom. 15:7). We hope that in all our meetings and church life we may receive every brother and sister with the love and grace of Christ, regardless of their concepts or convictions; and when they participate in the meetings, may we stand with them in one spirit, praying for them and opening ourselves to receive their portion. We also hope that the oneness we keep will not be less in scope than the whole Body of Christ, and that we will come out of any party or sectarian oneness that excludes other members. May the Lord grant us His abundant grace that we will not allow any issue concerning persons, practices, or teachings to divide us.
Moreover, to keep the oneness we must learn to practice the proper generality in our attitude toward one another (see point #15 of the attached transcript), allowing each one the freedom to follow his own conscience and convictions in all things, but not allowing any differences to become a dividing factor. This will surely test us, exposing our narrowness and smallness. May the Lord enlarge our hearts and fill us with His love toward all. In Anaheim at present we have the best environment to practice what we have so long taught but very little lived. What a testimony this will be! Let us seek to keep the Lord’s word in Eph. 4:2-3 regarding longsuffering and forbearance toward all when faced with provocations. And let us learn, as we have heard many times, neither to impose or oppose, but to hold the truth (Christ Himself) in love. May the Lord enlighten and strengthen us all!
d. By preaching the gospel to the unbelievers and shepherding the saints
We sincerely hope that the Lord will fully raise up among us a healthy, normal gospel preaching with His rich blessing. We feel this is vital to our going on and indispensable to the normal church life. Hence, we pray that the Lord will enable the saints to preach the gospel in their daily lives in many ways. If some saints desire to share the gospel of Christ by knocking on doors, we praise the Lord for that and encourage them to do it. But we are mainly concerned that the brothers and sisters would have a daily life of gospel preaching and fruit-bearing with all their friends, neighbors, classmates, and colleagues. Most of all, we hope that we may have a happy church life as a strong base and impetus for the spread of the gospel.
With the gospel preaching we need adequate shepherding of all the new believers with the best use of home gatherings, either in their homes or the homes of the saints. Furthermore, the saints themselves surely need much mutual shepherding. We hope that all our homes would be used in this way, and that they would be filled with edifying fellowship in the Word.
May the Lord grant us all much mercy and grace that we may be preserved for His purpose and go on to satisfy Him as His testimony in this locality. May we all pray for this.
Your brothers in Christ,
John C. Ingalls
Albert P. Knoch