
We have seen that the Lord’s answer to His disciples’ question is of three sections: the section concerning the Jews (Matt. 24:4-31), the section concerning the church (Matt. 24:32-51; 25:1-30), and the section concerning the Gentiles (Matt. 25:31-46). The section concerning Israel is divided into two parts: from Christ’s ascension to the end of the age (Matt. 24:1-14) and during the end of the age (Matt. 24:15-31). In order to understand Matt. 24:1-31, we must keep these subsections in mind. We must also be careful not to misapply the verses, that is, not to apply them to the wrong time or to the wrong people.
Many Christian teachers do not understand the significance of the term “the end of the age.” The Greek phrase here can also be translated “the completion of the age” or “the consummation of the age.” The end of the age denotes the three and a half years of the great tribulation that will terminate this age. Therefore, the end of the age is not the close of the age, but the very last period of the age. In order to understand the prophecies in the Old and New Testaments, we must have a clear understanding of this matter. Many Christian teachers are confused regarding the prophecies because they are not clear about the end of this age.
This term “the consummation of the age” is found in the last verse of Matthew (28:20). Because we hope to be raptured, we expect the Lord to be with us until the end of this age, not until the close of the age. At the close of the age, the Lord will descend to the earth and place His feet on the Mount of Olives. Before this takes place, there will be a period of time which the Bible calls the end of the age, a period of time which will last three and a half years. In 24:6 the Lord told His disciples that they would hear of wars and rumors of wars, but that “the end is not yet.” He told them not to be disturbed, for such things were but the beginning of birth pangs. The end of the age, the great tribulation, was not yet. In verse 14 He said that the gospel of the kingdom would be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations and then the end would come. In verse 6 He said that the end was not yet, but in verse 14 He said that the end would come.
We need to remember that Matt. 24:1-14 speaks of the things between Christ’s ascension and the end of the age. All these verses must be applied to the Jews during this period of time.
Now we come to Matt. 24:15-31. These verses describe the things that will happen at the end of the age, during the last three and a half years. The end of the age begins with verse 15. Remember, this chapter speaks especially about the sign of the Lord’s coming and the sign of the end of the age. Verse 14 indicates that a strong sign of the end of the age is the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom to the whole world. When this has been accomplished, we should realize that the last three and a half years are about to begin. Thus, the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom will be the greatest sign of the end of this age. Prior to this preaching, many other things will have taken place. But these things are not the signs of the end of the age, for in speaking about them the Lord said that the end was not yet. Therefore, the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom to all the inhabited earth will be the unique sign of the end of this age. Immediately after the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom, the events described in verse 15 will take place.
Verse 15 says, “When therefore you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let him who reads understand).” How long the period of time will be for the events covered in verses 4 through 14, no one knows. But the prophecy in verses 15 through 31 concerning the remnant of the Jews will definitely be fulfilled in the last three and a half years of this age, the time of the great tribulation, the second half of the last week prophesied in Daniel 9:27. It will begin with the setting of Antichrist’s image (the idol) in the temple (v. 15) and end with Christ’s open coming (v. 30).
“Abomination” means an idol (Deut. 29:17). Here it refers to Antichrist’s image set up in the temple of God as an idol (Rev. 13:14-15; 2 Thes. 2:4) at the beginning of the great tribulation (v. 21). Antichrist with his false prophet will force people to worship this idol. The setting up of the idol will mark the beginning of the great tribulation, the end of the age.
There are many Christians who are not clear about the phrase “the abomination of desolation.” As we have seen, the abomination here refers to an idol, the image of Antichrist set up in the holy place. According to Revelation 13, this image will be able to speak. Before that time, no idol will be able to speak. The Greek word rendered “desolation” means “causing desolation,” “desolating.” The abomination, the idol of Antichrist, will cause desolation. Antichrist is called the destroyer (Apollyon, Rev. 9:11); he will do much destroying (Dan. 8:13, 23-25; 9:27). As soon as Antichrist sets up his image and forces people to worship it, he will begin to destroy all religious things. Furthermore, this idol will provoke the Lord’s anger, and He will come in to destroy Antichrist and his army. This is what is indicated by the phrase “abomination of desolation.”
This idol will stand in the holy place. Here the holy place refers to the temple (Psa. 68:35; Ezek. 7:24; 21:2). This indicates that Antichrist will set up his image in the temple.
When the abomination of desolation is set up in the holy place, the Jews will need to flee. Verse 16 says, “Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” One who is on the housetop should not even come down to take the things out of his house, for the great tribulation has come. The situation will be so urgent that the Jews should not return to their houses for anything. Those who are in the field should not even turn back to take their garments (v. 18). Verse 19 says, “But woe to those who are with child and those who nurse babes in those days.” Either to be with child or to nurse babes is inconvenient for escape. It will be necessary for the Jews to run as quickly as possible.
Verse 20 continues, “And pray that your flight may not be in winter, nor on a Sabbath.” Winter is a difficult time for escape, and on the Sabbath travel was limited. On the Sabbath, one was allowed to walk only a short distance (Acts 1:12), not adequate for escaping. The mention of Sabbath here indicates that the Jews will keep it after the restoration of the nation of Israel. The disciples, the audience for the Lord’s word here, had a twofold status, one representing the remnant of the Jews and the other representing the New Testament believers, who constitute the church. In the section of the Lord’s word concerning the Jews (24:4-31), they represent the remnant of the Jews; whereas in the section concerning the church (24:32—25:30), they represent the New Testament believers. In the Gospels, in things regarding circumstances, the Lord treated His disciples as Jews, but in things concerning spirit and life, He considered them New Testament believers.
Verse 21 says, “For then there shall be great tribulation, such as has not occurred from the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall be.” The great tribulation will occur in the last three and a half years of this age. The great tribulation will have Jerusalem as its center and Judea as its circumference, whereas the trial in Revelation 3:10 will have Rome as its center and the whole inhabited earth as its circumference. No other tribulation will be able to compare with this great tribulation which will take place under the hand of Antichrist.
Jerusalem has already been destroyed more than once, and it will be destroyed again. The first time Jerusalem was destroyed was under Nebuchadnezzar with the Babylonian army. Later, in the second century B.C., after the rebuilding of the temple, the temple was polluted by Antiochus Epiphanes. Many Bible students realize that he was a type of Titus, who came to destroy Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Certain portions of Daniel refer both to Antiochus and Titus, and it is sometimes difficult to discern which verses refer to Antiochus and which to Titus. Luke 21 indicates that the destruction of Jerusalem under Titus is connected to the destruction under Antichrist. For this reason, readers of the New Testament find it difficult to determine which verses refer to the destruction under Titus and which refer to the destruction under Antichrist. Thus, Antiochus Epiphanes was a type of Titus, and Titus was a type of Antichrist.
We must be careful not to confuse the verses in Matthew 24 with those in Luke 21, for they do not refer to exactly the same thing. In Matthew there is no reference to the destruction under Titus, which was a shadow of the destruction recorded here. The destruction of Jerusalem under Titus in A.D. 70 was a shadow of the destruction to come under Antichrist. Do not apply 24:15-31 to any time other than the last three and one half years of this age, when Antichrist will rise up to persecute the Jews.
Verse 22 says, “And except those days were cut short, no flesh at all would be saved; but because of the elect, those days shall be cut short.” As we have seen, the great tribulation will last only three and one half years. The elect spoken of in this verse are the Jews, God’s chosen people (Rom. 11:28).
How do we know that the great tribulation will last three and one half years? Daniel 9 speaks of the last week of the seventy weeks. The last week will be the last seven years of Israel’s history in this age. At the beginning of these seven years, the Jews will make a covenant with Antichrist. But at the middle of these seven years, Antichrist will change his mind and turn his back upon them. In his agreement with the Jews, Antichrist will allow them to worship God according to the Jewish religion. But at the end of the first three and one half years, Antichrist will begin to persecute every kind of religion, set up his image in the temple, and force people to worship him. That will be the beginning of the great tribulation, the end of this age, the last three and one half years. In God’s sovereignty and mercy, this time has been cut short. The tribulation under Antichrist will be so severe that no one will be able to bear it. If God had not cut it short, no flesh at all would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be limited to three and one half years.
Verse 23 says, “Then if anyone says to you, Behold, here is the Christ, or, Here; do not believe it.” The Jews rejected Jesus as their Messiah and are expecting a Messiah to come. They need to be warned that Messiah, the Christ, will not arise here or there on earth, but will descend on the cloud from heaven. If some say that Christ is in Bethany or others claim that He is in Bethel, the Jews are not to believe them.
Verse 24 continues, “For false Christs and false prophets shall arise and shall show great signs and wonders so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” Antichrist will be the last of the false Christs and will work signs and lying wonders with the power of Satan to deceive the perishing (2 Thes. 2:3, 9-10). Another beast, the false prophet, in Revelation 13:11 will be the last of the false prophets (Rev. 19:20) and will do great signs to deceive the earth dwellers (Rev. 13:13-14).
Verses 25 and 26 say, “Behold, I have told you beforehand. If therefore they say to you. Behold, He is in the wilderness, do not go forth; Behold, He is in the inner rooms; do not believe it.” The wilderness is where a person separates himself from the world so that he may easily cause people to wonder whether he is the Messiah, as happened in the case of John of Baptist (3:1; John 1:19-20). The private rooms are where a person can make himself mystical and charm others.
Verse 27 says, “For as the lightning comes forth from the east and shines to the west, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be.” This indicates that the Christ who will be coming to earth will not be on earth or in the wilderness or in the inner room, but in the air. As the lightning flashes from the east to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
The coming (parousia) of Christ has two aspects: one is the secret aspect toward His watchful believers; the other is the open aspect toward the unbelieving Jews and Gentiles. The lightning here signifies the open aspect after the great tribulation (v. 29), whereas the thief’s coming in verse 43 signifies the secret aspect before the great tribulation. Lightning is concealed in a cloud, waiting for an opportunity to flash forth. Christ will also be clothed with a cloud (Rev. 10:1) in the air for a time and then will suddenly appear like a flash to the earth.
The Greek word parousia is a specific word used in the New Testament to describe the Lord’s coming. Parousia means the Lord’s presence. This presence of the Lord begins with His coming to the air. It is difficult to determine when He will come from heaven to the air. Between the two aspects of the Lord’s coming, His coming to the air and His coming to the earth, there is the parousia, the Lord’s presence. This is the reason the Lord’s coming has a secret aspect and an open aspect. His coming to the air is secret, but His coming to the earth is public. Twelve hundred sixty days after Antichrist sets up his image, Christ will come to earth. Thus, His open coming can be calculated, but His secret coming is not known by anyone. When He comes to the air, He will be enveloped in a cloud. But when He comes to the earth, He will be upon the cloud.
Verse 28 says, “Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures shall be gathered together.” We have spent a great deal of time to learn what the corpse is and what the vultures are, and I believe that the Lord has given us the proper understanding. In the context, verses 15 and 21 imply that at the end of this age Antichrist will be the cause of the great tribulation. It is he who needs to be judged and destroyed. As all people in Adam are dead (1 Cor. 15:22), so in the eyes of the Lord the evil Antichrist with his evil army, who will war against the Lord at Armageddon (Rev. 19:17-21), is the stinking corpse, good for the vultures’ appetite. And as in the Scriptures both the Lord and those who trust in Him are likened to the eagle (Exo. 19:4; Deut. 32:11; Isa. 40:31), and the swift destroying armies are also likened to flying eagles (Deut. 28:49 Hos. 8:1, NASV), so the vultures here, of the same raptorial kind as the eagle, must refer to Christ and the overcomers, who will come as a swift-flying army to war against Antichrist and his armies and destroy them, thus executing God’s judgment upon them at Armageddon. This indicates not only that at His appearing to the earth Christ with His overcoming saints will be where Antichrist is with his armies, but also that Christ with the overcomers will appear swiftly from the air like the vultures. This corresponds with the lightning’s flash in the foregoing verse.
According to the previous verses, we can learn what day the Lord Jesus will come to earth, but we cannot find out where. Verse 28 tells us where: the place where the corpse is, there the vultures will be gathered together. When Antichrist sets up his image, we may begin to count twelve hundred sixty days until Christ descends publicly to the earth. But this does not mean that we can know the day of His secret coming. Never be so foolish as to try to find out this day. During the past century, a number of people have tried to do this. Some even bathed, put on clean garments, and went to a housetop to wait for His coming; however, nothing happened. To repeat, the Lord’s coming to the air is secret. He will come as a thief to steal you secretly. No one can give the day or the hour of this coming. But His coming to the earth will be open and the day is revealed: twelve hundred sixty days after the idol is set up. As we have pointed out, verse 28 indicates the place — the place where the armies of Antichrist are. That is the place where Christ will come to the earth with His overcomers.
Verse 29 says, “And immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” This is a strong proof that the open coming of Christ will be after the great tribulation. This supernatural calamity in heaven will follow the great tribulation at the close of this age. This differs from the fourth trumpet (Rev. 8:12), which will occur very close to the great tribulation.
Verse 30 says, “And the sign of the Son of Man shall appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the land shall wail, and they shall see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” What this sign is we have no way of knowing. However, it must be supernatural and clearly visible (perhaps like the lightning in verse 27), appearing in heaven.
The tribes here refer to the tribes of the nation of Israel, and the land to the holy land. At the Lord’s appearing, all the tribes of Israel will repent and wail (Zech. 12:10-14; Rev. 1:7).
This verse says that the Son of Man will come on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. By this time the Lord is no longer in the cloud, but on the cloud, appearing to the people on earth. This is the open aspect of His second coming. In Christ’s first coming, His authority was manifested in such things as casting out demons and healing diseases (7:29; 8:8-9; 9:8; 21:23-24) to vindicate Himself as the heavenly King; whereas in His second coming, His power will be exercised to execute God’s judgment, to destroy Antichrist and his armies, and to bind Satan for the establishment of His kingdom on earth.
Verse 31 says, “And He shall send His angels with a loud trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from the extremities of the heavens to their extremities.” After the great tribulation, at His coming back to earth, the Lord will gather together the scattered Jews from all parts of the earth to the holy land. This will be the fulfillment not only of the Lord’s word in 23:37, but also of God’s promise in the Old Testament.
Matthew 24:4-31 is a sketch of twenty centuries of Jewish history. Like those on the Mount of Olives with the Lord, we have a clear view of this. Therefore, sitting with the greatest Prophet, we know what the situation is. Not even the leaders of nations are as clear as we are. We have seen the events from Christ’s ascension to the end of this age and the events during the end of this age, the period of the great tribulation. At the end of the great tribulation, there will be supernatural calamities, and Christ will appear openly and publicly to the inhabitants of the earth, especially to the Jews in the holy land. Christ will descend where Antichrist and his armies are gathered. Like vultures devouring a corpse, Christ and His overcomers will defeat Antichrist and his army. Then Christ will gather all the remaining Jews into the Messianic kingdom.