
Jacob's prophecy regarding his twelve sons ends with a blessing that includes ten items. The history of these twelve sons begins with a sinner, that is, it begins with sin, even with a gross sin, not a refined sin. At the beginning we have a person who is full of sin, and at the end we have a person who receives the universal blessing. Thus, the prophecy ends with the full blessing. With Joseph, everything is a blessing, and the blessing is everywhere. There is blessing upon blessing.
The Bible is a wonderful book; no human mind can fully understand it. The more we study the Bible, the more we realize how little we really know it. The Bible is too profound. The ten blessings related to Joseph, for example, require the whole Bible for their development.
First are the blessings with the precious things of heaven above (Gen. 49:25). The precious things of heaven above certainly include rain and snow. These precious things must also include the angels, for the angels certainly are a blessing to us. They are our servants and even camp around us (Heb. 1:13-14; Psa. 34:7). Every believer has at least one angel. For example, Acts 12 speaks of Peter's angel (Acts 12:15), and in the Gospel of Matthew the Lord Jesus indicates that we have angels (Matt. 18:10).
The material things in the Old Testament are shadows of the reality in the New Testament. In the New Testament the blessings are spiritual blessings. Ephesians 1:3 says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ." In this verse we have the words blessed and blessing. We are blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies. The word "places" is not found in the original text. It is difficult to say what the words "the heavenlies" definitely refer to. Certainly this includes the heavenly nature, the heavenly position, the heavenly condition, the heavenly situation, the heavenly atmosphere, and the heavenly capacity. The spiritual blessings are of a heavenly nature, in a heavenly situation and atmosphere, and under a heavenly condition. In other words, every aspect of these spiritual blessings is heavenly. Today we are enjoying these heavenly blessings. According to the New Testament reality and fulfillment, the precious things of heaven above are the blessings in the heavenlies.
Ephesians chapter one reveals that one of these heavenly blessings is God's selection. God did not select us on earth, but in the heavens. Thus, our selection is heavenly, with the heavenly nature, under a heavenly condition, and in a heavenly atmosphere. A second spiritual blessing is predestination. Predestination is nothing earthly; rather it is heavenly. After God selected us, He predestinated us, marked us out, in the heavenlies. This marking out is heavenly in nature, in atmosphere, and in condition. Although the worldly people know nothing of the heavenly blessings, we are enjoying them, for we have been selected and predestinated by God from heaven. We all have been marked out, and wherever we go we bear this heavenly mark. This mark was made in the heavenlies before the foundation of the world. Therefore, it is not anything earthly, but heavenly. The adoption to be the sons of God is another heavenly blessing mentioned in Ephesians 1. Redemption and forgiveness are also included among these heavenly blessings. Although we are on earth, we are nonetheless enjoying the heavenly redemption and the heavenly forgiveness. The One who redeemed us and who has forgiven us is the very God in heaven. Our redemption and forgiveness come from the heavens. Besides all these, in Ephesians 1 there are also other items listed among the spiritual blessings.
The heavenly rain and snow also come down upon us. There are many who do not like snow. However, those who live where there is snow are often healthier than those who live in a warm climate. Whether we like it or not, in our spiritual life our heavenly Father sometimes sends snow upon us. It is healthy to be outside in the snow; it is a marvelous enjoyment as well. Rain is good, and snow is enjoyable. These are some of the precious things of heaven above. We need to constantly remind ourselves that we are under God's blessing of the precious things of heaven.
Joseph was also blessed with the dew (Deut. 33:13). Dew is a finer blessing than either rain or snow. The Bible uses dew to describe God's merciful favor (Lam. 3:22-23). This indicates that something from the heavens is always descending upon us. This something is not very strong and bold; it is fine and gentle, seeming to come quietly, a little at a time. This is the dew. Psalm 133 says that the blessing upon the unity of the brothers is like the dew of Hermon that descends upon the mountains of Zion. Mount Hermon, to the north of Mount Zion, is much higher than Mount Zion. The dew of Hermon must descend upon Zion by means of a strong north wind. The dew comes from the north. Do not think that only the snow comes from the north, for dew also comes from that direction. Sometimes the Father sends us the rain and at other times He sends the snow, but more often He sends the dew. Every morning the Lord's mercy is like the dew. This is the reason we must keep morning watch. If you do not attend morning watch, you will miss the dew. After the sun rises, the dew will disappear. If you would enjoy the dew, you must rise up early in the morning. This dew is not as cold, sharp, or troublesome as the snow. It comes from the heavens by the blowing of the north wind. But when it comes, it comes gently and quietly, a little at a time. If you consider your experience, you will realize that you have had some experience of the dew. This dew that comes upon us waters us a little at a time. How gentle and fine it is!
Both Genesis 49 and Deuteronomy 33 say that Joseph was blessed "with the deep that lieth beneath" (Heb.). This must refer to the deep springs underneath the earth. The blessings upon Joseph begin with heaven above, proceed to the snow and the dew in the air, and then go on to the springs in the earth. By the mention of the dew and the deep, the springs, we realize that the precious things of heaven above should no doubt refer to rain and snow. According to the New Testament, the real spring is not underneath the earth; it is within us. John 4:14 says, "But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I shall give him shall become in him a spring of water welling up into eternal life." We have a spring of divine life welling up from within us. What a blessing! Therefore, we are constantly receiving and enjoying the blessings that come from above, from within, and from the air. Some of the blessings from above are like rain and snow, some of the blessings from within are like springs, and some of the blessings in the air are like the dew. We Christians, today's Josephs, are fully under these blessings.
Deuteronomy 33:14 speaks of the blessing "with the precious fruits brought forth by the sun" (Heb.). The fruits of plants are produced by sunshine. Without sunshine, no fruit tree could grow very well. Many fruits are actually formed and even constituted with sunshine. Since the sun is a type of Christ, the spiritual fruits brought forth by the sun signify all the riches of Christ. In the universe, and especially to us, Christ is the real sun. In Ephesians 3:8 Paul speaks of the unsearchable riches of Christ. Nearly all the riches of Christ are items that have been processed. For example, Christ is our life. But this life is not a "raw" life; it is a processed life. The life which we have received of Christ and by which we are living is a processed life. Christ has many precious fruits, and life is one of them. Patience is another. This patience, however, is a processed patience. Christ is also our submission, but this submission is a processed submission. It is easy to say that Christ is everything to us; however, it is not so easy to itemize all the aspects of what He is to us. We need to come together for the purpose of fellowshipping regarding the riches of Christ and itemizing them. But do not speak about things in an objective way. Instead, itemize all the subjective aspects of Christ.
Fruit is what comes into being after passing through a particular process. All the riches of Christ are fruits, and every fruit has passed through a process. All the riches of Christ are blessings, and we are under these blessings today. Here I am not merely speaking about the riches of Christ, but about the riches of Christ as blessings to us. Every item of the riches of Christ is a blessing. What a blessing it is to be under the patience of Christ! And what a blessing to be under Christ's encouragement! I am encouraged by Christ, and Christ is my encouragement. This encouragement is a processed fruit that I enjoy today. The Bible also says that Christ is our way (John 14:6). Often we feel that we do not have a way to handle a certain situation. But our experience proves that Christ is our way. We need to trust in Him, live by Him, and take Him as our everything. When we need a way out of a difficulty, Christ is the way. He is also the way for us to handle our situations. Is this not a blessing to us? Whatever Christ is, is a blessing. His riches are the precious fruits brought forth by the sun.
Deuteronomy 33:14 also speaks of "the precious things put forth by the moon." The Holy Spirit never uses the wrong word in the Bible. Notice that this verse says that the sun has brought forth, but that the moon has put forth. The sun produces, but the moon does not produce. Thus, fruit is brought forth by the sun, but the precious things are put forth by the moon. In reality, Christ is the sun, and the church is the moon. The fruits are brought forth by Christ, but they are put forth by the church. One of these fruits is forgiveness, and another is justification. Other fruits put forth by the church are reconciliation, redemption, and eternal life. We receive forgiveness, justification, reconciliation, redemption, and eternal life not directly from Christ, but indirectly through the churches.
First Thessalonians 2:14 says, "For you, brothers, became imitators of the churches of God which are in Judea in Christ Jesus." This verse indicates that the Gentile churches followed the churches in Judea. The churches in Judea had been established longer, and they had learned and experienced a number of things. Whatever they learned and experienced was put forth to the Gentile churches, and the Gentile churches enjoyed their fruit. Nearly all the riches of Christ we enjoy day by day do not come directly from Christ, but come indirectly through the churches. Whatever the church in Anaheim enjoys and experiences will be put forth to all the other churches, and what the other churches experience will be put forth to the church in Anaheim. Recently the churches in Taiwan helped us to eat and digest the life-study messages. This is a fruit put forth by the churches in Taiwan. The blessings upon us include all the experiences of the church.
Genesis 49:26 speaks of the blessing unto the "utmost bound of the eternal hills," and Deuteronomy 33:15 says, "And with the best things of the ancient mountains, and with the precious things of the eternal hills" (Heb.). The words "ancient" and "eternal" indicate that this blessing refers to time, but the words "mountains," "hills," and "utmost bound" indicate that the blessing also refers to space. Together time and space equal the universe. Hence, this verse indicates that the blessing we are under is universal, from eternity past to eternity future and from the ancient mountains to the eternal hills, even to the utmost bound. This, of course, is poetic language. It indicates that the blessings we are under are universal, covering all of time and space. The mention of the mountains and hills implies that the plain is included, for it is impossible to be on the mountain without passing through the plain. Therefore, the mountains, the hills, and the utmost bound imply all of space, including even the meeting hall and your place of dwelling. The universal blessing is long and wide, and it reaches from eternity past to eternity future. It is so spacious that we cannot travel through it. The blessing we are under is everywhere. Every time, morning, afternoon, and evening, day and night, is a time of blessing.
When you get into the new heaven and the new earth, you will see that at every time and in every place there will be a blessing. At that time there will be no more sea, meaning that there will be no curse. The entire universe will be a blessing. In space there will be blessing, and in time there will be blessing. The new heaven and the new earth will be nothing but a blessing. At that time you will understand that our blessing is from eternity past to eternity future and from the ancient mountains to the eternal hills, even to the utmost bound. At every time and in every place we are under this blessing.
Deuteronomy 33:16 speaks of the "precious things of the earth and its fulness" (Heb.). In 1 Corinthians 3:21 and 22 we find a New Testament word that corresponds to this: "For all things are yours, whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours." According to these verses, "all things" includes death. Thus, even death, which includes all negative things, is a blessing. We, the children of God, are the blessed people. We are the Josephs under God's blessing.
When I was young, I did a great deal of selection. For instance, I told the Lord that I wanted to be healthy, not ill, and that I did not want to suffer from certain kinds of things. I wanted to have everything that was good. Eventually, however, the selection did not depend on me. Things did not turn out to be according to my choice. When I first came into the Lord's ministry, I prayed very much and asked the Lord to give me a co-worker who was always nice, one who was neither too strong nor too weak. In my prayer I said, "Lord, You know me and You know what I need. I need a nice person, one who is neither too quick nor too slow." But today I do not like to have any selection. Sometimes the co-worker who is not so nice in my eyes is the one who becomes the greatest blessing to me.
The same is true in married life and in family life. It is difficult for me to tell anyone what kind of wife is the best wife. When I was young, I could tell you, but I cannot tell you today. Perhaps the wife who seems to be the worst will become the greatest blessing to you. You need to believe that all things, including a difficult wife, are blessings. Furthermore, whether your children are nice or naughty, they are a blessing to you. Many times naughty children are a greater blessing than nice ones. You may ask the Lord for nice children, but He may give you naughty ones. However, even those naughty ones are a blessing.
It is even a blessing to have something stolen from us. When something was stolen from me in my youth, I became angry. But today it does not matter whether you give me something or steal something from me. It does not matter whether I gain a thousand dollars or lose a thousand dollars. Perhaps losing a large amount of money will be a greater blessing than receiving the same amount. But one thing I know — everything is a blessing; everything is a gain. But when I was young, I would lose my peace for several hours even over losing a handkerchief. But if today I lost something worth a thousand dollars, I still would have the peace to sleep soundly. To suffer over the loss of something like this indicates that you are under the curse. When the worldly people lose even a small amount of money, they cannot sleep. But if we lose a large amount, we can still praise the Lord for the blessing that such a loss will bring in. As long as I am not touched by a particular loss, I am blessed. Because we are under the blessing, no loss is truly a loss to us. Although we are not yet in the new heaven and the new earth, we have a foretaste of it today. We need the vision to see that we are today's Joseph and that everything is a blessing to us.
I do not like the rumors that are being spread about us. But others can testify for me that I praise the Lord because all these rumors are blessings to us. They are a form of free advertisement. Because of these rumors, my name has become famous throughout the world. I did not have to pay anything for all this advertising. I have never gone to Central America or to Africa, but my name is known there. Thus, even the rumors are a blessing.
Whether or not all things are blessings does not depend on what happens; it depends on who we are. If we are Joseph, everything is a blessing. But if we are Reuben, everything is a curse. My burden in this message is to impress you with the fact that to us everything is a blessing. There is no need to list all the items of the universal blessing in detail. All things are blessings. This is not a mere doctrine; it is what I have experienced.
Nothing bothers me because I realize that everything is from my Father. Everything, good or bad, positive or negative, is a blessing. We all must believe this. Even if we lose something, that loss is a blessing. Paul said that all things are ours, whether Paul, Peter, Apollos, life, death, or any other thing. Formerly, we were Reubens, but now we are Josephs. As long as we are Josephs, whatever betide, everything is a blessing. If you hate me, that is a blessing. If you love me, that also is a blessing. If you rob me, that is a blessing. If you give me something, that also is a blessing. No matter how you treat me, with love or with hatred, what you do to me is a blessing. If you do not do anything, that also is a blessing. I am altogether blessed. Because I am not a Reuben, but a Joseph, I am a blessed person. Praise the Lord that in the church we are Josephs!
Consider Joseph's experience. He was hated and betrayed by his brothers, and he was placed into some difficult situations. Nevertheless, everything that happened to him was a blessing. What his brothers did to Joseph turned out to be a blessing. When Joseph made himself known to his brothers in Egypt, he said, "Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life" (Gen. 45:5). Joseph also said, "Ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good" (50:20). Joseph seemed to be saying, "You don't need to be afraid of me or worried about what I will do to you, for everything you did to me was a blessing." Everything in the universe is a blessing to us. Time, space, the heavens, the earth, the air, the things underneath the earth, all persons, all matters, and all things — everything is a blessing to us. Oh, we must believe this! In the early days I held this as a mere belief. But now I can testify with an honest heart that in my experience it is truly so. Everything that happens to us is a blessing.
In Jacob's prophecy with blessing there is a condition for blessing the first ten sons, but not with Joseph. Joseph's blessing is unconditional. If we saw this, we would simply pray, "Lord, I don't know what is good or what is bad. Lord, I only pray that Your will be done." Everything depends upon whether you are a Reuben or a Joseph. It does not depend upon the heavens, the earth, the air, or anything else. If you are a Reuben, everything will be a curse and a loss. But if you are a Joseph, everything will be a gain. Nothing in heaven, on earth, or under the earth could be a loss to you. Rather, all things will work together for good to you as long as you love the Lord (Rom. 8:28). Even the most insignificant thing works together for your good. Your neighbors, in-laws, and friends all work together for your good because you are blessed.
All the New Testament believers are Josephs. You may not feel that you are a Joseph, but the Lord says that you are. As long as you are a believer, you are no longer a Reuben, but a Joseph. Because you are a Joseph, everything that happens to you is a blessing. Heaven, earth, the snow, the rain, the dew, and everything under the earth is a blessing to you. This is the reason the New Testament tells us to thank the Lord for all things (Eph. 5:20; 1 Thes. 5:18). I wonder whether the parents of naughty children ever thank the Lord for their naughty children. If you have a naughty child, you must thank the Lord, saying, "Lord, how I thank You for this naughty child. Lord, I thank You for this dissenting, rebellious child. What a blessing this child is to me!" If such a child remains a Reuben, everything will be a curse to him. But if he believes in the Lord, he will become another Joseph, and then whatever happens to him will be a blessing. If you read the New Testament carefully, you will see that the New Testament believers are the blessed people. We are those under the universal blessing. This is why we should not curse anyone (Rom. 12:14). Because everything is a blessing to us, we cannot help but bless others. Even if others do something bad to us, that bad thing is a blessing. Hence, there is no need for us to curse them; instead of cursing, we would bless them. We may say, "Thank you for hating me. God bless you. Your hatred is a blessing to me. I can bless you in any kind of situation. If you treat me well, I bless you. If you mistreat me, I still bless you." Praise the Lord that we are the blessed people!
If you see this, you will realize that you are under God's blessing. However, we often still speak in a natural way. When we gain something, we thank the Lord for His blessing. But when we lose something, usually we do not thank Him. We need to see the vision that we are Josephs, that we are the blessed people, that we are under God's blessing. Whatever happens to us, good or bad, we should say, "Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! This is a blessing."
We often ask people, "Are you saved?" But now we should learn to ask them, "Are you blessed?" Whenever we are asked this question, we should reply, "Yes, we are blessed." Fundamental Christians often speak of believers as being blood-redeemed and Spirit-regenerated. We need to learn to say that we are the universally blessed people. Our home, family, and all that belongs to us is a blessing, no matter how bad things may sometimes be. We never know what the result of a thing will be. Today something may seem to be good, but it may turn out to be bad. However, a certain thing may seem very bad, but turn out to be good. Only the Lord knows. Whether things are good or bad, the result is the same. It does not make any difference whether our children are nice or naughty, whether our husband or wife is easy to live with or difficult. To Joseph everything is a blessing. If you see this, you will enjoy rest and peace. You will say, "Hallelujah! We have been selected, predestinated, called, and saved, and now we are being blessed." We are the blessed people, those under God's blessing, and everything is a blessing to us. All things are ours.