
Message 7
We have seen that the thorn-bush in Exo. 3 is a symbol of Moses as God’s called one. In the eyes of God, Moses was a thorn-bush. No one has much appreciation for a thorn-bush. Although Moses had been rejected by man, he was accepted by God, and the fire of God’s glory burned within him and upon him. Therefore, Moses was a thorn-bush burning with the glory of God.
The burning thorn-bush in Exodus 3, however, refers not only to Moses as an individual, but also to the children of Israel as a corporate entity. God’s people, the children of Israel, included those who were weak and those who were strong. Moses was only one among God’s corporate people. To the Lord, the thorn-bush burning in chapter three was not only an individual, but also a corporate people. My burden in this message is to consider the corporate aspect of the thorn-bush. As individuals, we all are today’s Moses. But we are also part of the church as the corporate thorn-bush.
God’s goal in dealing with His people, the children of Israel, was to obtain a proper dwelling place. Deuteronomy 33:16 speaks of God as the One who dwelt in the thorn-bush. This word, written by Moses, indicates that God possessed that burning thorn-bush as His house, His dwelling place. Who would ever have thought that God’s habitation on earth would be a thorn-bush?
Moses must have realized that the burning thorn-bush he saw when God called him was a symbol of himself. At the time of Deuteronomy 33, Moses regarded himself as a thorn-bush, but to God he was “the man of God” (Deut. 33:1). In the individual aspect Moses was a thorn-bush, and in the corporate aspect the children of Israel were a thorn-bush. Nevertheless, the God of blessing dwelt in such a bush. If God does not dwell in us, we are finished. Without Him we are nothing more than ordinary thorn-bushes. Although we may be cultured ladies and gentlemen or well-trained professionals, we still are thorn-bushes because our fallen nature is related to thorns and to the curse.
In referring to God as the One who dwelt in the thorn-bush, Moses’ heart must have been full of thanks to God. During the last forty years of his life, Moses knew that he was just a thorn-bush. But he knew also that God was with him. We all need to have such a realization. Whenever we have a proper spirit before the Lord, we know that we are a thorn-bush. We know that even our natural virtues, such as kindness, humility, and patience, are “thorns.” Sometimes we may even feel like prostrating ourselves before the Lord and confessing to Him how pitiful we are. As he was blessing the children of Israel, Moses must have had such a sense about himself.
A well-known gospel song says, “I’m only a sinner saved by grace.” The sense Moses had was much deeper, even more tender and sweet than this, for he realized he was a thorn-bush burned by the glory of God. Today, as believers in Christ, we are not merely sinners saved by grace; we are a thorn-bush burning with the fire of God’s glory. Moses had this realization both about himself and about the children of Israel as God’s corporate people. Deep within he knew that both he personally and the Israelites corporately were a thorn-bush.
We need to see that there is a connection between Genesis 3 and Exodus 3. In both chapters we have the thorn and the fire. The thorn in Genesis 3 indicates that man is under a curse (vv. 17-18), and the flame of fire indicates that man is excluded from God as the tree of life (vv. 22-24). According to Genesis 3, thorns came from the curse due to sin. Hence, thorns are a symbol of fallen man under the curse. Immediately after the curse was pronounced, a flaming sword was placed at the east of the garden “to keep the way of the tree of life” (v. 24). Thus, sin brought in the curse, and the curse brought in the flame of fire. The function of fire in Genesis 3 is to exclude sinners from the tree of life, that is, from God as the source of life.
If the Bible had ended with Genesis 3:24, our situation would be forever hopeless. According to chapters one and two of Genesis, we were created specifically to receive God as life. The man created by God was placed in front of the tree of life. Then in chapter three sin came in, man fell under the curse, and the fire of God’s holiness excluded the cursed sinners from any direct contact with God as the tree of life.
Man’s situation in Exodus 3 is much different from that in Genesis 3. In Exodus 3 the cursed thorn becomes the vessel of God, and the flame of fire becomes one with the thorn-bush. Through redemption, signified by the lamb slain and offered to God for fallen man (Gen. 4:4), the curse has been taken away, and the fire has become one with the thorn.
The reality of this picture is seen in Galatians 3:13 and 14. Verse 13 says, “Christ has redeemed us out of the curse of the law, having become a curse on our behalf.” This means that through the death of Christ on the cross the curse has been taken away. Verse 14 continues, “That the blessing of Abraham might come to the nations in Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” Therefore, according to these verses the curse has been taken away, and the Spirit, the fire, has been given to us.
Acts 2:3 and 4 indicate that the outpoured Spirit is symbolized by tongues of fire. This outpouring of the Spirit as fire was predicted by the Lord Jesus in Luke 12:49: “I came to cast fire on the earth, and what can I desire if it has already been kindled?” On the day of Pentecost the promised Spirit, given through the redemption of Christ which took away the curse, came upon the disciples in the form of fire. This fire no longer excludes us from God; instead, it is the flame of God’s visitation.
Considering this in the light of the picture in Exodus 3, we see that the thorn and the flame are one. In Genesis 3 fallen man was under the curse signified by the thorn. There the flame of fire excluded this fallen man from God as the tree of life. In Exodus 3, however, the thorn-bush, which can be considered a type of vessel, and the fire are one. In Genesis 3 the fire keeps the man who is under the curse away from the tree of life, away from God as the source of life. But in Exodus 3 the flame of fire visits the thorn-bush and indwells it. This indicates that through the redemption of Christ the very God Himself, the holy One whose holiness excludes sinners from His presence, can come to visit us, to stay with us, and even to dwell in us. Hallelujah, Christ has taken away the curse and has cast down to earth the fire of the Holy Spirit! Now that the curse has been taken away, we are no longer excluded from God as life. Praise the Lord that the excluding flame of Genesis 3 has become the visiting and indwelling flame of Exodus 3! Now the once-cursed thorn can become God’s dwelling place.
Those who have been Christians for years may sometimes be tempted to regard themselves as rather good or holy. If you have followed the Lord and have experienced some success in your Christian life, you may secretly consider yourself an outstanding “saint,” one who is more spiritual than other believers. However, we should realize that we are still a bush full of thorns. Do not think that you yourself are so marvelous, and do not appreciate too highly those you may admire. We all are still a thorn-bush. I am very much aware of the fact that I am a thorn-bush.
If we are like Moses, the man of God, we shall have a twofold consciousness. On the one hand, we shall be conscious of the fact that we are thorn-bushes; on the other hand, we shall be conscious of God’s glory dwelling within us as a burning flame. Moses became a man of God, but he still considered himself a thorn-bush. In the same principle, God’s glory dwelt among the children of Israel and made them His glorious dwelling place, but they were still a thorn-bush, even a corporate thorn-bush.
As an individual thorn-bush, Moses was redeemed, sanctified, and transformed. Some may wonder what ground we have to say that Moses was transformed. Although the words “transformed” or “transformation” are not found in the writings of Moses, the books written by him nonetheless reveal the fact that Moses was transformed. We have pointed out that, according to Deuteronomy 33:1, Moses was a man of God. This indicates transformation. Apart from the process of transformation, how could Moses, a man so strong and active in his natural life, become a man of God? Only through transformation could he become such a person.
One example of Moses’ transformation was his experience with the Lord on the mountaintop. After Moses had been with the Lord on the mountain for forty days, his face was shining because the flame of God’s holy fire had been burned into him. Moses was like steel that is thrust into fire and kept there until the steel glows with the fire that has been burned into its very essence. When Moses was on the mountaintop, God’s glory was burned into his being. When he came down from the mountain, his face was shining. Thus, “when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone” (34:30). Was that not a sign of transformation? It was a sure indication that Moses was being transformed. According to his training in the palace, Moses could have become an expert in all the Egyptian knowledge. But because he had been redeemed, called, sanctified, and transformed, instead he eventually became a man of God.
Certain essential elements or themes can be traced throughout the Scriptures. Without a proper understanding of these matters, it will be impossible for us to know the Bible adequately. These crucial elements include redemption, sanctification, and transformation. Moses was redeemed, sanctified, and transformed; we today are redeemed and we are being sanctified and transformed. Moses became a man of God, and we too are becoming men of God. According to the revelation of the New Testament, as believers in Christ, we are even becoming God-men, those who are one with the Triune God and mingled with Him. The day is coming when we all shall be men of God in reality.
In the Lord’s recovery we do not care for a large number; we care for the genuine experience of transformation. I am happy that we are under the divine burning, the burning that transforms us and makes us dispositionally different from the worldly people. Because the element of God is being burned into our nature, we are becoming men of God. This is what it means to be a burning thorn-bush in an individual sense. According to our nature, we are still a thorn-bush, but according to God’s burning within us, we are transformed people. On the one hand, we are a thorn-bush; on the other hand, we are men of God.
The children of Israel were a corporate thorn-bush. As such a thorn-bush, they were redeemed (13:14-16), sanctified (13:2), transformed, and built up. Perhaps you find it difficult to believe that the children of Israel were transformed. When I was young, I also found this difficult to believe. But something happened in a prayer meeting in Shanghai in the early 1940s that helped me to see God’s people as He sees them. In that meeting an experienced sister co-worker, troubled by the low state of the church, cried out to the Lord on behalf of the church. As she prayed, she sighed and groaned because of the poor condition of the church. When she finished praying, Brother Nee broke forth in praise to the Lord and gave Him thanks that the church is never weak or low, but always high. The congregation was shocked. Then Brother Nee helped us to understand the significance of Balaam’s prophecy regarding the children of Israel. Balaam was hired by Balak to curse the children of Israel. But instead of cursing God’s people, Balaam blessed them. Speaking on behalf of God, Balaam said, “He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel” (Num. 23:21). Furthermore, in Numbers 24:5 Balaam said, “How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, and thy tabernacles, O Israel!” According to these verses, God did not see iniquity or perverseness in Israel. Instead, He saw only goodness, fairness, and beauty. The same is true regarding the church today.
Do not say that the church is low or dead. The more you say this, the more you put yourself under a curse. However, if you praise the Lord for the church life and speak well concerning it, you will put yourself under God’s blessing. During all the years I have been in the church life, I have not seen one person who spoke negatively about the church who was under God’s blessing. On the contrary, all who have said that the church was poor, low, or dead have been under a curse. Those who speak positively about the church, declaring that the church is lovely and that it is God’s house, receive the blessing. This is not mere doctrine; it is a testimony that can be verified by the experiences of many saints.
Sometimes when I am disappointed over the church and do not think positively about it, the Lord within warns me to be careful. Immediately I ask the Lord to cleanse me, and I begin to declare how wonderful the church is. Even though the church may cause me trouble, I still love the church. The more I speak this positive way, the more I am under God’s blessing.
Whose word about the church is right, yours or the Lord’s? In eternity, the Lord’s word will prove to be right, for in eternity the church will be marvelous, glorious, and transcendent. All the enemy’s accusations regarding the church are lies. To say that the church is poor or dead is to utter a devilish lie. The apparent situation of the church is a lie. It is a lie to say that the church is cold or dead or low. The church is uplifted and very living. I am thankful for Brother Nee’s strong word concerning Balaam’s prophecy. That word fully changed my concept concerning the present state of the church. From the time I received that word, I have seen the church in a completely different light.
Do not see deeper than the Lord sees. According to Balaam’s word in Numbers, the Lord did not see iniquity in Jacob. How, then, can you see it? Are you wiser or more perceptive than God? The Bible declares that the Lord does not behold perverseness in Israel. But you claim to see perverseness in the church. Which do you choose to believe, the Lord’s sight or yours? If we stand with the Lord’s estimation of the church, we shall be kept from falling from the blessing into the curse. May we all take heed how we deal with the church.
The children of Israel could be a corporate thorn-bush because they had been transformed and built up. God believed this, and we need to agree with Him.
The tabernacle signified the children of Israel as God’s dwelling place. Do not regard the tabernacle as something apart from the children of Israel. Actually, it was the children of Israel who were God’s dwelling place. The tabernacle was merely a symbol.
Whenever I speak to the leading ones concerning the church in a way that is not positive, I have regrets later. Before I speak such words, I am in the heavenlies, but afterward, I lose my peace. If I try to excuse myself by saying that I was not condemning the church but simply speaking the facts, I am even more troubled within. The more I excuse myself, the more I am under condemnation. Therefore, I can testify from experience that it is not an easy matter to touch the church. Whenever we touch it, we must do so in a positive way. Then we shall receive the blessing.
The Old Testament reveals that many times God came in to rebuke and to reprove the children of Israel. But when the Gentiles attacked God’s people, the Gentiles suffered loss sooner or later. In His eyes, the children of Israel were redeemed, sanctified, transformed, and built up, and God had His dwelling place among them. We all need to see this and to believe it.
In the same principle, we need to believe that the church today is wonderful. Be careful of your natural sight. If God does not see iniquity or perverseness in the church, then how can you see it? When God is merciful, He abounds in mercy. Although the Israelites had many iniquities, God could say that He did not behold iniquity in Israel. The same is true of the church today. Like the children of Israel, the church is a corporate thorn-bush.
According to our human nature, we in the church have many weaknesses, mistakes, failures, and defeats. Nevertheless, we need to thank the Lord that as the church we have been transformed and built up. Not only does God agree with this, but even God’s enemy, Satan, must acknowledge it.
As a corporate thorn-bush, the church is transformed, but it is still a thorn-bush; it does not change. How can we say that something is transformed without changing? Consider the burning thorn-bush in Exodus 3. The fire was burning within it and upon it, but the bush was not changed. However, it was transformed through the burning fire.
Some may wonder what ground we have for saying that we are the Lord’s recovery. We admit that we have many thorns, more thorns perhaps than other “bushes.” But although we are full of thorns, we cannot deny that the divine fire is burning within us. Other “bushes” may have fewer thorns, but they do not have the fire. Thus, the sign of the Lord’s recovery is this burning. What makes the corporate thorn-bush in the Lord’s recovery different from all other thorn-bushes is the burning of the flame of fire. Only this thorn-bush is burning.
After the tabernacle was erected, it was filled with the glory of the Lord (40:34-35). At night, the cloud of glory had the appearance of fire (Num. 9:15-16). The fire burning upon the tabernacle signified that the people of Israel were a corporate burning thorn-bush.
It is easy for human eyes to see defects in the church. In particular, these eyes are set upon the elders, the leading ones. As soon as a brother becomes an elder, he becomes subject to the scrutiny of many saints whose eyes are quick to detect any shortcoming. God, however, does not have this kind of eyes. Remember Balaam’s word: “He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel.” As Balaam was prophesying, it seemed that God was saying, “The children of Israel are very pleasant in My sight. They are My dwelling place.” If someone had said that the Israelites were merely a thorn-bush, God would have replied that to Him they were not just a common thorn-bush, but a people transformed and built up to be His dwelling place.
When Moses spoke of God as the One who dwelt in the thorn-bush, it is difficult to tell whether he was referring to the actual thorn-bush he had seen forty years before or to himself and to the children of Israel respectively as an individual and a corporate thorn-bush. I believe that his word includes all this. On the one hand, we are still a thorn-bush; on the other hand, through redemption, sanctification, transformation, and building, we are God’s dwelling place. Hallelujah, today God has a dwelling place on earth! Satan might say to God, “Your people are merely a thorn-bush.” But God would reply, “Satan, get behind Me. Don’t you know that this people has been redeemed, sanctified, and transformed? They have also been built up, and now they are one. Therefore, I am dwelling among them. You say that they are a thorn-bush, but I declare that they are My dwelling place.”
The church today is God’s dwelling place. You may think that the church is uncomely, but to God it is lovely. You may criticize the church for its shortcomings, but God says that He sees no iniquity in His people. Regarding His people, God says, “I find no fault in them. I am in their midst, and they are My dwelling place on earth.” This is the church as the corporate thorn-bush.
The very God in the thorn-bush, the One who called Moses, was the God of resurrection. This is proved by the Lord’s word to the Sadducees in Mark 12:18-27. As the Sadducees were arguing with Him concerning resurrection, the Lord said, “But concerning the dead, that they are raised, did you not read in the book of Moses, at the bush, how God spoke to him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” Here the Lord pointed the unbelieving Sadducees to the section in the Scriptures concerning the thorn-bush. The title, “the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,” implies the God of resurrection. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob have all died. If God were the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and there were no resurrection, then God would be the God of the dead. But God is not the God of the dead; He is the God of the living, the God of resurrection.
The fact that the God of resurrection dwelt in the thorn-bush indicates that being a corporate thorn-bush as God’s dwelling place today is a matter altogether in resurrection. The holy One can visit us and dwell among us because He is in resurrection. He is the God of resurrection, and we, His people, are in resurrection.
As those who are still in the flesh, it may be difficult for us to believe or to realize that we are in resurrection. If I were to ask you whether you are in the natural life or in the resurrection life, you would probably say that, for the most part, you are in the natural life. However, if you say this, you do not have faith. We need to be strong in faith and declare that we are in resurrection because our God is not the God of the dead but the God of the living. In myself, I am in the flesh and in the natural life, but in my God, I am in resurrection. Today we enjoy God as the God of resurrection. In resurrection He is the great I Am. We all need to say in faith that we are in resurrection. The more we speak this in faith, the more it will become our experience.
What we say is what we experience. If we say that we are in the flesh, then we shall be in the flesh. But if we say that we are in resurrection, then we shall be in resurrection. Because the very God who indwells us is the God of resurrection, we have a basis for declaring that we are in resurrection. Here, in resurrection, the thorn-bush can be blessed to be God’s dwelling place.
We realize that, at best, we are just a thorn-bush. Nevertheless, the great I Am, the God of resurrection, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, dwells within us, and we enjoy Him. Individually we are a thorn-bush, and together we are a corporate thorn-bush burning with the God of resurrection. This is a picture of the church life today.