Scripture Reading: Deut. 31:14-23, 30; 32:1-47
In this message we will cover the song of Moses.
In 31:14-23, 30 Jehovah commanded Moses to write a song.
In verse 14 Jehovah told Moses that his days drew near for him to die and that he should call Joshua to be with him in the tent of meeting that Jehovah might charge him.
Jehovah appeared in the tent in a pillar of cloud, which stood over the entrance of the tent, and told Moses that he was about to lie down with his fathers, that this people would rise up and go as harlots after the strange gods of the land which they were entering, and that they would forsake Him and break His covenant (vv. 15-16). His anger would burn against them, and He would hide His face from them (v. 17a). They would be devoured, and many evils and troubles would befall them because of all the evil they had done, for they turned to other gods (vv. 17b-18).
Jehovah charged Moses to write this song and teach it to the children of Israel and put it in their mouth, that He might have this song as a witness against the children of Israel (v. 19). Jehovah would bring them into the land flowing with milk and honey, and they would eat and become satisfied and grow fat, and they would turn to other gods and serve them and despise Jehovah and break His covenant (v. 20). When many evils and troubles befell them, this song would respond as a witness before them because it would not be forgotten in the mouth of their seed; for He knew their intention before He brought them into the land (v. 21). So Moses wrote this song and taught it to the children of Israel (v. 22).
In verse 23 Jehovah charged Joshua and said, "Be strong and take courage, for you will bring the children of Israel into the land which I have sworn to them; and I will be with you."
Moses spoke to all the congregation of Israel the words of this song until they were completed (v. 30).
In 32:1-43 we have the contents of the song of Moses. These contents are deep, and certain matters are difficult to understand.
In 32:1 Moses asked heaven and earth to hear his words.
Moses' words dropped like the rain upon young grass and like the dew upon herbage (v. 2). This indicates that Moses realized that whatever he spoke, either a blessing or a curse, was like rain and dew. If as we read the song of Moses we merely exercise our mind, we will not sense the rain and the dew. But if we exercise our spirit as well as our mind, we will sense that Moses' words are like dropping rain and distilling dew.
In verses 3 and 4 Moses declared what kind of God Jehovah is. Jehovah is a God of greatness. He is the Rock, whose work is perfect and whose ways are justice. He is a God of faithfulness and without injustice; He is righteous and upright.
Moses' word here was actually his vindication of God. Quite often during the forty years in the wilderness, the children of Israel complained against God, saying that He was wrong in bringing them out of Egypt and into the wilderness. Thus, Moses vindicated the very God whom he served, declaring that He is the Rock and that His ways are not only just but justice itself. He is righteous and upright, and He is right in whatever He does.
In verses 5 and 6 we see that the children of Israel dealt with Jehovah God corruptly, having blemishes not like His sons, being a twisted and crooked generation, and repaying Jehovah as foolish and unwise people. All the children of Israel were supposed to be God's sons, but in their living they did not behave like God's sons. Instead, they were twisted and crooked. Although God had done so much for them, they repaid Him as foolish and unwise people.
Moses traced back Jehovah's favor and love to Israel (vv. 7-14). Jehovah considered Israel as His portion, His inheritance. He encircled them, cared for them, and guarded them like the pupil of His eye. As an eagle He bore them up upon His pinions, and He made them ride on the high places of the earth and enjoy the fruit of the field and the produce of the cattle. Here we see that God was not only righteous with the children of Israel but was also very good to them.
Israel, growing fat and thick, forsook God, who made them, neglected the Rock who begot them, and angered Him with strange gods, with abominations, sacrificing to demons (vv. 15-18).
Jehovah was provoked to anger by Israel, His sons and daughters, and said that He would hide His face from them (vv. 19-20). A fire was kindled in His anger toward them (v. 22), and He would send the teeth of beasts against them with the venom of those that crawl in the dust (v. 24b). The sword would bereave outside, and inside, terror (v. 25a). He would scatter them and cause the memory of them to cease among men, lest their adversaries misjudge, saying that it was their hand and not Jehovah who had wrought all this (vv. 26-27). For the children of Israel were destitute of counsel, with no understanding in them (v. 28). If they had been wise, they would have comprehended that it was Jehovah their Rock who sold them and delivered them up to their enemies (vv. 29-31).
In verses 36 through 43 we see that Jehovah would vindicate His people and have compassion on His servants when He saw that their support (strength) was gone. He would say, "Where are their gods...? /Let them rise up and help you; /Let them be a shelter over you. /See now that I, I am He, /And there is no god with Me. /I kill and I make alive; /I wound and I heal; /And there is no one who can deliver from My hand" (vv. 37-39). He would avenge the blood of His servants, repay His adversaries with vengeance, and cover the guilt of His land and of His people.
Many things in the song of Moses are severe, but the ending is very positive. No matter how evil the children of Israel might be and no matter how much God might be provoked in His anger toward them, the result, the issue, will be good. Instead of forsaking His people, God will eventually come in to vindicate them. This is true concerning Israel and also concerning the believers in Christ.
Deuteronomy 32:44-47 is the word of Moses and Joshua to the people. Moses and Joshua spoke to the people all the words of this song (vv. 44-45). Moses said to them that they should set their heart on all these words and command their children to do all the words of this law (v. 46). He told them that it was not a matter too vain for them, because it was their life and by it they would extend their days upon the land into which they were crossing over the Jordan to possess it (v. 47).
Everything which Moses spoke in the book of Deuteronomy was an expression of his concern for the children of Israel. The rehearsal of the law, the warning, the enactment of the covenant, the final exhortations and charges, and the song of Moses — all were spoken by Moses out of his concern for God's people. His greatest concern was that they would turn away from their God and go after other gods. And this is what the children of Israel have done throughout the centuries. Even today, many of them have turned away from God to the idols of money, high technology, weapons, and skill in fighting. Therefore, on the one hand, God is working for the children of Israel to protect them. On the other hand, because they have not yet repented and returned to God, He is also judging them.