Scripture Reading: Dan. 2
In this message I would like to give a further word concerning the vision of the great image in Daniel 2. As we will see, this vision is the controlling vision in the book of Daniel.
In the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in chapter two, only the head of the great human image was called Babylon. However, if the head is Babylon, the entire image must also be Babylon.
The Bible reveals that the human image seen by Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2 actually did not begin with Nebuchadnezzar but with Nimrod, who founded the city of Babel (Gen. 10:9-10). The building of Babel by Nimrod was the beginning of Babylon. Babylon has since continued through the Medo-Persian Empire, the Grecian Empire, and the Roman Empire. It will eventually include the last Caesar of the Roman Empire, Antichrist, with his ten kings, signified by the toes of the great image (Dan. 2:41-44). The book of Revelation tells us that under Antichrist, the last Caesar, the Roman Empire will be both political and religious Babylon. Revelation 18 refers to the empire of Antichrist as the political and physical Babylon, that is, "Babylon the Great" (v. 2). Furthermore, through Constantine the Great, who accepted Christianity as the state religion, the nature of Christianity was changed to become the Catholic Church, which in Revelation 17 is called "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT" (v. 5). This is the religious Babylon. Therefore, from the Bible we see that not only Babylon itself is Babylon, but even the Roman Empire is Babylon.
According to our point of view, there are many different countries, nations, and empires. But in the eyes of God, the entire human government from Nimrod to Antichrist is Babylon. This human government — Babylon — has always done three things: rebel against God, exalt man, and worship idols (Gen. 11:4, 9). To worship idols is actually to worship the devil who is behind the idols. Wherever we may go, we will see that human government rebels against God, exalts man, and worships idols.
When Babylon reaches its consummation, the stone cut out without hands will appear to crush the great image, beginning with the toes and the feet (Dan. 2:34-35, 44-45; 7:13-14). In His word to the Pharisees in Matthew 21, the Lord Jesus indicated to them that He is a stone. First, in verse 42 He asked them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures, 'The stone which the builders rejected, this has become the head of the corner. This was from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes'?" Then in verse 44 He went on to say, "He who falls on this stone shall be broken to pieces; but on whomever it falls, it shall crush him to powder and scatter him like chaff." Here we see that Christ is the smiting stone. What will be smitten by Him and scattered as chaff? According to Daniel 2, it is the aggregate of human government, whose name is Babylon, which will be smashed and crushed into pieces by Christ as the stone cut out without hands.
As far as human government is concerned, we need to consider what part of the great human image we are in today. As the result of studying the Bible and the world situation for over sixty years, I believe that today we are at the feet of the image, very close to the ten toes. The world situation, especially the situation in Europe, has been remodeled to fit in with the prophecies in the Bible. If we are clear about this, we will know where we are and what we should do.
The culture, spirit, and essence of the Roman Empire continue to exist, but the form and appearance of this empire have vanished. However, the form and appearance of the Roman Empire will be restored under Antichrist. The whole earth is now ready for the restoration of the Roman Empire and the appearing of the ten toes, which will bring in Christ as the stone to crush the aggregate of human government and usher in the eternal kingdom of God upon the earth.
The vision in chapter two is the controlling vision of the entire book of Daniel. Chapter one is simply an introduction, whereas chapter two shows us a controlling vision, a vision that is the key to understanding Daniel's visions in chapters seven through twelve.
The four empires in Daniel 2 correspond to the four beasts in Daniel 7. In chapter two Nebuchadnezzar saw a great human image, but in chapter seven Daniel saw four beasts. The four main parts of the image in Nebuchadnezzar's vision correspond to the four beasts in Daniel's vision. The head of gold (2:37-38), signifying Nebuchadnezzar, corresponds to the first beast, which "was like a lion and had the wings of an eagle" (7:3-4). The breast and arms of silver (2:32, 39a), signifying Medo-Persia, correspond to the second beast, which resembled a bear (7:5). The abdomen and thighs of bronze (2:32, 39b), signifying Greece, correspond to the third beast, which was like a leopard (7:6). The legs of iron and the feet partly of iron and partly of clay (2:40-43), signifying the Roman Empire and its last ten kings, correspond to the fourth beast, which, being different from the other beasts, had large iron teeth and ten horns (7:7-8).
Further details concerning these empires are found in chapters eight and eleven. In chapter eight we see that the second part of the great human image — Medo-Persia — signified by a ram (8:3-4) was defeated by the third part — Greece — signified by a goat with a conspicuous horn (vv. 5-8). Verse 8 says, "The male goat became very great. But once he became strong, the great horn was broken, and in its place four conspicuous ones came up toward the four winds of heaven." These four horns signify the successors of Alexander the Great. For details concerning these four horns, we need to read chapter eleven, which has much to say about the king of the south (Egypt) and the king of the north (Syria). In particular this chapter speaks about Antiochus Epiphanes, a notorious descendant of Alexander's successor in Syria.
Antiochus Epiphanes was a type of Antichrist. The first type of Antichrist was Nimrod in Genesis; the second was Antiochus Epiphanes in Daniel; and the third was Titus, the prince of Rome who destroyed Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Thus, if we want a full picture of Antichrist, we need to study not only the book of Revelation but also these three types of Antichrist. With Nimrod, Antiochus Epiphanes, and Titus we have the picture, and in the book of Revelation we have the definition. When we put together the picture and the definition, we have a full view concerning Antichrist.
I hope that we will all see the controlling vision in the second chapter of Daniel and that, in light of this vision, we will have a clear view regarding human government. In the eyes of human beings, there are different kinds of governments, some good and others bad. But in the eyes of God, every human government is a beast. Babylon, Persia, Greece, the Roman Empire — all are beasts. I can testify that this view has preserved me from the world for more than sixty years. We all need such a view, such a vision. If, as God's people, we see this controlling vision, we will be kept from the world and prepared for Christ's coming as the smiting stone which will crush the aggregate of human government and become a great mountain — the eternal kingdom of God — filling the whole earth.