Throughout church history, there has never been a time when messages on the cross are as needed as today. For the present-day Christians, who, being Christians, are obviously redeemed by the blood, the most important thing is to know and to experience the deeper aspects of the fundamental truths of the cross. It is, of course, a glorious thing to know about the substitutional death of the cross, but this will not afford the believers much growth. All the things that Christ has accomplished for us on the cross must be experienced by us one by one before we can mature in life and can become a vessel of God.
We realize that we are already at the end of this age. The activities of Satan have become more fierce than before. God's children have been greatly persecuted, harassed, and beguiled by him, but his most serious work is his deception. Hence, now is truly the time for the saints to rise up and to learn to oppose and attack the enemy with the victory at the cross. This warfare is fierce. How can the saints overcome without putting on the armor? Arise God's saints, and stand on the victory of Golgotha, declaring the victory of Christ! Your King is near! The time for the total defeat of the enemy is also near!
This book contains many articles that have been published before in The Present Testimony magazine, but due to awkwardness in expression and mistakes in proofreading, many teachings were buried. Now with the strength and time afforded by God, we are able to revise these articles and add to them a few new ones to make up this book. There are quite a number of translated articles in this book. We have included the names of these writers in the table of contents. We thank God that though the writers may differ in nationality, race, and background, the message we preach is the same. The reader will find this book to be consistent in its theme.
I lift up my heart to thank God for the grace given to me that this book can be published. I also thank a few brothers and sisters for their help in translation and proofreading. If it pleases the Father, may He lead every reader into the abundant life that He has prepared for them in the Lord Jesus.
Watchman NeeFebruary 1927, Nanking