Appendix F
March 28, 1989
The saints in Christ,
as the Church of God in Anaheim,
California, U.S.A.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ
Greetings to all of you in the Lord.
Brothers John Ingalls and Al Knoch have written me on March 18, 1989 that they would resign from the eldership in the Church in Anaheim the very next day. And I have been informed by Brothers Philip Lin and Minoru Chen that Brothers John and Al did carry out their resignation in your morning meeting of that Lord’s day. I am very sorry for the two brothers that their course in following the Lord would have had such an issue.
Now I am very much concerned for the eldership in the Church in Anaheim. After much consideration with the Lord, I feel led of the Lord to ask both Brother Eugene Gruhler in Denver and Brother Francis Ball in San Gabriel City to reassume their eldership in Anaheim in meeting the urgent need there today as they did in the past. I have fellowshipped with them about this matter and they are willing to do so. Both of them will come to Anaheim to meet you all in your morning meeting on the coming Lord’s day of April 2nd. And because of my unavoidable absence from you, I would ask Brothers Philip Lin and Minoru Chen to read this letter of mine to you as my recommendation of these two brothers, Eugene Gruhler and Francis Ball, as elders to serve you all in Anaheim from this day. I do hope that this arrangement will be pleasant to all of you as it is to the Lord.
May the Lord bless you all and remember His recovery in these evil days.
A slave of Christ
and your brother
in His house
for His recovery,
Witness Lee