Appendix D
Dear Brother Lee,
As you know, during the last months we both have tried to stand here in Anaheim to see if some of our serious concerns regarding the church practice could be resolved. After so much time, the situation indicates that it is not profitable for either us or the saints to go on in this way. In all honesty to ourselves, to the saints, and to the Lord, and for the sake of our genuineness before all, we feel that we must at this time withdraw from the eldership. We cannot hold the position of elders and take the lead in a way that is not accepted and even opposed by some of the saints. The course which some saints insist upon taking is not one in which we can lead them.
Tomorrow morning, March 19th, at the close of the meeting, we will announce our withdrawal from the eldership to the saints with a brief word of explanation. We have full peace before the Lord and feel very clear in taking this step, although we feel grieved that the nature of the recovery has so changed and developed to the point where we are forced to do this. We believe that our concerns have already been made known to you through our meetings together last year; so we will not repeat them here.
We hope to continue in fellowship with the saints as fellow-members of the Body of Christ, and wish to let you know how much we appreciate all the teachings from the Word which have helped us to know the Lord and His church. We have no bitterness whatever toward yourself, or anyone, but only wish that we could have been more useful to the Lord in the past years.
You are in our prayers, as are all the churches under your ministry. We wish you the very best in the Lord. With greetings in Him,
Your brothers in Christ,
John Ingalls
Albert Knoch