Appendix A
Statements and impressions that have disturbed 2-weekers and 6-weekers during the training in Taipei, and that have troubled others upon hearing them:
1. The prediction that the Lord is coming back in 13 years.
2. The talk of a global coordination, indicating that the elders and the churches should follow not only in principle, but also in detail, what comes out from Taipei. This global coordination was one of the goals of the recent gospel festival in Taipei. There was also talk that the brothers in various places should keep in touch with Andrew Yu regularly to keep up with the latest details.
3. All the brothers must go to Taipei to be brought into the oneness they have there.
4. If you have not gone to Taipei, you are not in the Lord’s move.
5. A brother who was concerned for the saints in the church in Dallas was told by Benson to forget the saints and go out, knock on doors, and raise up a new church life. Eventually some of the older saints would then join him.
6. Gene Ford’s recent message excessively exalting Brother Lee.
7. Jake Jacobson’s statement that he had the “Witness Lee fever.”
8. Many other people besides the Lord elevated, flattered, called heroes, and publicly given awards.
9. The trainers pounding upon the full timers for hours upon end to urge and incite them to remain in Taipei for another term.
A statement made by Paul Hon to Don Rutledge in July 1986, in Don’s home in Dallas. (Witnesses present: Bill Lawson, Louis Chen, Tom McNaughton).
The following was spoken by Paul Hon in the context of how to be one with the ministry:
The Father is #1, the Son is #2, the Spirit is #3, and Witness Lee is #4; and then there are those with Witness Lee. Don Rutledge asked, Paul, who is #5. Paul replied that it is not yet clear who #5 is. Then Paul continued, You brothers don’t have access to Brother Lee; Andrew Yu and I do. We can walk into Brother Lee’s apartment any time and sit down to eat breakfast with him. The way to know what Brother Lee wants is to do is to be in contact with those who have access to him. They will tell you what he wants you to do. Don Rutledge asked, Isn’t this a hierarchy and the exercise of control? Paul replied, No! Then Don asked, How then does this differ from what we’ve been condemning. Paul answered, If the local brothers would practice in this way to carry out their burden, it would be a hierarchy and control. But if this is practiced to carry out the ministry’s burden, it is not hierarchy or control.
Quotes from various sources:
“Since Christianity is in ruins, the Lord raised up the recovery; since the recovery is in ruins, the Lord raised up the FTTT.” (Andrew Yu, Oct.,1987)
“Whatever Witness Lee says, we make it happen!” (Paul Hon in training).
“We’re Witness Lee’s Company.” “I’ve got Witness Lee fever.” (Jake Jacobson)
“There is no need to pray about what to do; just follow the ministry.” (By the Trainers in Taipei)
“We don’t even need to think; we just do what we are told.” (Trainers)
“If the ministry says go east, you just go east. If the ministry says go west, you just go west.” (Andrew Yu, The Way To Go On, Voice of a High School Heart Newspaper, pg8) “Just give yourself to the ministry… that’s all.”
“No Opinions, no cold wind.” (Trainers, FTTT)
Statements regarding leaving the training to return to one’s own locality:
“If you leave the training, you’ll miss the kingdom.” (Trainers, FTTT)
A strong implication that to return to your locality was to leave your first love for the Lord. This was stated to one trainee.
Statements regarding the oneness of the saints and churches with the ministry and the Living Stream Ministry Office:
“To be one with the ministry is to be one with Brother Lee, the office, and Philip Lee.” (Not sure of who said this, but many similar statements have been heard)
“The office is Brother Lee.” (Not sure of source)
“These things are being spoken in the highest echelons of the Lord’s Recovery.” (Jake Jacobson, Irving High School Training)
Regarding the Stadium Meetings in Taipei:
A mixture of the worldly elements with the fine flour:
Honor given to man: Nationalities stressed, various types of services honored, outstanding trainees awarded and honored.
Props: Flags, all kinds; bands, etc.; marches; card section (as in American football rooting sections); audience applause.
These activities, culminating in the extreme events at the High School Training in Irving this summer have caused many dear saints to feel that the nature of the Lord’s Recovery is being changed.